Taking the Pulse of a River System: Research on the Upper Mississippi River System
Mark Twain raved about the Mississippi River basin as, “the body of the Nation.” The “upper body,” upstream of the confluence with the Ohio River, includes commercially navigable reaches and branching tributaries that are recreationally and environmentally important. Together they feed and shelter an array of fish and wildlife in their flowing channels, floodplain lakes, backwaters, wetlands, and floodplain forests. Effective river management requires knowledge about factors controlling the dynamics and interactions of important ecosystem components. The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program is the prized diagnostic tool in the Environmental Management Program for the Upper Mississippi River System that provides critical information about the status and trends of key environmental resources.
Download http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2009/3045/ ; 5.15 MB |
Taking the Pulse of a River System: First 20 Years - Long Term Resource Monitoring on the Upper Mississippi River System
Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) for the Upper Mississippi River System is the Nation’s first large‑-scale effort to determine the status and trends of these natural components of a large river. The overall health of a river is reflected in the health of its biota, such as (1) fish, (2) invertebrates (e.g., insects, worms, and clams), and (3) aquatic plants. The biota are affected by (4) water quality and (5) sedimentation, which are often influenced by surrounding (6) land use and land cover.
Download http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2006/3098/ ; 4.7 MB |
Strategic Plan for the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program on the Upper Mississippi River System, 2010-2014
The Strategic Plan, developed by an interagency partnership, identifies a set of four priority outcomes for 2010-2014. The four outcomes presented in this plan are essential to addressing UMRS information needs, understanding the river ecosystem, and providing knowledge for informed decisions. This effort will provide information needed to guide the LTRMP in the future and to maintain the Upper Mississippi River System as a nationally and internationally significant ecosystem. The Strategic Plan identifies desired outcomes and the associated outputs needed to achieve the outcome.
Download The PDF of the plan summary ; 878 KB |