Upper Mississippi River Restoration ProgramLong Term Resource Monitoring |
Land Cover/Use
Data |
The fourth generation of systemic-wide UMRS aerial imagery and LCU maps begin in 2020. The 2020 aerial imagery is also the second generation of a fully digital acquisition of systemic-wide coverage of the UMRS, the first being the 2010/11 acquisition. The aerial imagery is produced into orthoimage mosaics for each UMRS pool or reach and is accessible with GIS. The imagery is also processed for 3D viewing using specialized computer software, monitors, and glasses. These 3D computer mapping systems help image interpreters (mappers) identify ground features using color, form, texture, height, and location on the landscape. Before mappers begin mapping, they visit representative areas to learn how vegetation appear on the 2020 aerial imagery. This promotes accurate interpretation of vegetation to apply polygon delineation and classification. The mapping is developed into LCU datasets for each UMRS pool or reach and is accessible with GIS. Both the orthoimage mosaics and LCU datasets are served online for public access. |
Much does! Here are a few items.
A couple things, and they are good ones!
Image sample 0.2-meter (8-inch) pixel resolution |
Image sample 0.4-meter (16-inch) pixel resolution. |
Component specialists: Jennifer Dieck and Andrew Strassman