Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program

Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program

Long Term Resource Monitoring


Water Quality


Study Areas for Fixed-site Sampling

Reach 1Reach 1 (in Navigation Pools 4 and 5) is 100 km (60 river miles) long from Lock and Dam 3 to Lock and Dam 5. Tributaries presently sampled include

Vermillion River
Cannon River
Chippewa River

Reach 2 Reach 2 (in Navigation Pools 7, 8, and 9) is 61 km (38 river miles) long and extends from Upper Iowa River to the mouth of the Black River in Pool 7. Tributaries presently sampled include

Black River
La Crosse River
Root River
Coon Creek
Bad Axe River (Pool 9)
Upper Iowa River (Pool 9)








Reach 3 Reach 3 (in Navigation Pools 12, 13, and 14) is 137 km (85 river miles) long and extends from Lock and Dam 12 to Lock and Dam 14. Tributaries presently sampled include

Apple River
Wapsipinicon River (Pool 14)
Rock River (Pool 16)
Maquoketa River 




Reach 4 Reach 4 (in Navigation Pool 26 and the Middle Mississippi reach) is 77 km (48 river miles) long and extends from Lock and Dam 25 to 3 km (2 miles) below the Missouri River confluence. Tributaries presently sampled include

Cuivre River
Dardenne Creek
Peruque Creek
Piasa Creek
Illinois River

Reach 5 Reach 5 (in the Middle Mississippi reach) is 110 km (68 river miles) long and extends from Grand Tower Island to 16 km (11 river miles) above the Ohio River confluence. Tributaries presently sampled include

Big Muddy
Headwater Diversion






Reach 6 Reach 6 (the La Grange Pool on the Illinois River) is about 130 km (80 river miles) long and extends from the La Grange Lock and Dam to the Peoria Lock and Dam. Tributaries presently sampled include:

Mackinaw River
Spoon River
Sangamon River
La Moine River



Content manager: Jim Rogala

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Page Last Modified: August 14, 2019 US Army Corps of Engineers USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center US Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Minnesota DNR Wisconsin DNR Iowa DNR Illinois Natural History Survey Missouri DC U.S. Environmental Protection Agency