Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

HNA Summary Report
Query Tool
Query Tool Application
The HNA query tool represents a great advance in the application of GIS
tools to UMRS natural resource management. However, this version of the
tool was constructed to operate at the system-wide scale, and is therefore
quite general due to the resolution of available system-wide data. The
basic query tool calculates the potential acreage of occurrence for species
or guilds based on their preferred land cover and geomorphic area classes
(Fig. 21).
It can also summarize land cover within a defined area and report the
species likely to occur within the area (Fig. 22).
The query tool was designed to allow users to select three levels of habitat
preference (Fig. 23).
The variability of species life history requirements can greatly influence
their potential habitat estimate. Widespread species, or "habitat
generalists," have very large potential occurrence estimates (Fig.
24). For habitat specialists that are adapted to one or few land cover
types potential habitat predictions may be quite small (Fig. 25).

The query tool presently incorporates land cover and geomorphic area data,
an advanced version of the tool incorporates more data layers to define
habitat in more detail and to create better habitat models. The application
of the advanced tool is currently limited because data necessary to use
it to its full capability are still lacking for most of the river system.