Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Reports

The UMESC reports include completion reports, conferences, contract reports, final reports, workshops, and other reports.

Reports for the following years:

2005 | 2004 |1995


Ickes, B. S., Vallazza, J., Kalas, J., and Knights, B., 2005, River floodplain connectivity and lateral fish passage: A literature review: U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin, June 2005, 25 p. (Abstract)

Knights, B. C., Wiener, J. G., Sandheinrich, M. B., Jeremiason, J. D., Kallemeyn, L. W., Rolfhus, K. R., and Brigham. M. E., 2005. Ecosystem factors influencing bioaccumulation of mercury from atmospheric deposition in interior lakes of the Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota: Final Report NRPP 02-01 for the National Park Service by the U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin, 41 p. (Abstract)

Metcalfe-Smith, J. L., McGoldrick, D. J., Jacobs, C. R., Biberhofer, J., Arts, M. T., Mackie, G. L., Jackson, V. S., Schloesser, D. S., Newton, T. J., Monroe, E. M., and Drebenstedt, M. D., 2005. Creation of managed refuge sites for native freshwater mussels to mitigate impacts of the exotic zebra mussel in the delta area of Lake St. Clair: Final report to the Endangered Species Recovery Fund and Environment Canada, Ontario Region. 48 p. (Abstract)

Pegg, M. A., K. S. Irons, T. M. O’Hara, and M. A. McClelland. 2005. Lake Chautauqua habitat rehabilitation and enhancement project fisheries response. Contract report submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island, Illinois, by the U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin, August 2005. 27 pp. (Abstract)

Steingraeber, M., Bartsch, M., Kalas, J., and Newton T., 2005, Winged mapleleaf mussel early life history investigations conducted by the U.S. Department of the Interior in FY 2004: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Resources Office, Onalaska, Wisconsin. 32. p. (Citation)

Wilcox, D., Stefanik, E., Kelner, D., Cornish, M., Hodgins, I., Zigler, S,. and Johnson B., 2004. Improving fish passage through navigation dams in the Upper Mississippi River System: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Upper Mississippi River - Illinois Waterway Navigation Study, ENV Report 54, 181 p. (Abstract)


U.S. Geological Survey, 2004, Proceedings of the Invasive Species Research Strategic Planning Workshop of the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, September 2004, 113 p. (Summary)


National Biological Service, 1995, Conference and Workshop Summary: Sustaining the ecological integrity of large floodplain rivers: Application of ecological knowledqe to river management, July 12-15, 1994, Companion Workshop for the Upper Mississippi River System: Applying the principles of ecosystem integrity to the management of the Upper Mississippi River System, July 18-19, 1994. (Citation)

Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018