Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

HNA Summary Report
This first Habitat Needs Assessment for the UMRS reveals clear needs
for additional information that is necessary to characterize river habitats.
As an example, more detailed information is needed to improve the rule-based
approach to predicting successional change of UMRS plant communities.
Such a model should incorporate site characteristics (geomorphic unit
type, hydrologic regime), and information on plant community response
to disturbances (flood, wind, fire). Better information on existing floodplain
plant communities is also needed.
A list of information needs is presented below
to help improve future UMRS Habitat Needs Assessments.
1. System-Wide High Resolution Topographic Data.
2. System-Wide Bathymetric Data
3. Numerical Hydraulic Models of all Navigation Pools
4. Substrate Type Characterization
5. Habitat Spatial Structure Metrics
6. Floodplain Inundation Models.
7. Floodplain Geomorphic Classification and Survey
8. Surveys of Existing Floodplain Plant Communities
9. Characterization of the Existing and Pre-Impoundment Hydrologic
10. Confirmation/Validation of Species:
Habitat Models Using Stratified
Random Sampling Data
11. Development of Refined Life History Information
12. Development of Refined Species:Habitat Models
13. Analysis of Seasonal Habitat Availability