Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
"A habitat needs assessment should be completed to establish a technically sound, consensus-based management framework or "blue print' for the restoration, protection, and enhancement of the UMR ecosystem. This assessment would begin to identify, at system, pool, and reach levels, long term habitat requirements. It would also serve to refine the focus of future monitoring and research activities".
The HNA consists of an evaluation of existing habitat conditions throughout the UMRS, a forecast of future habitat conditions, and quantification of ecologically sustaining and a desired future habitat conditions. The HNA will address habitat needs at the system-wide, river reach, and pool levels of spatial scale. The primary purpose of a HNA will be to guide planning, design, and evaluation of future EMP habitat protection and restoration efforts. The HNA will be periodically updated, with refinements based on new information, changing condition of UMRS habitats, and new understanding of river ecology.