Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 2016. Pool 8 State of the Ecosystem Report, 2015
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 2016. Pool 8 State of the Ecosystem Report, 2015. A Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources report submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program Long Term Resource Monitoring element. 32 pp.
Fish, water quality, and vegetation data are collected each year through the Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program - Long Term Resource Monitoring (LTRM). A complete description of the program can be found at: http://umesc.usgs.gov/ltrm.html. Personnel from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources collect data in Navigation Pool 8, one of 6 study reaches included in the program. Water quality and fish data have been collected under a stratified random framework since 1993 and vegetation data since 1998. This report summarizes the 2015 dataset in the context of how it relates to the entire LTRM sampling frame.