Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center


Prioritizing bird conservation actions in the prairie hardwood transition of the Midwestern United States

Thogmartin, W.E., S.M. Crimmins, J. Pearce. 2014. Prioritizing bird conservation actions in the prairie hardwood transition of the Midwestern United States. Biological Conservation. 176:212-223. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.06.002.


Large-scale planning for the conservation of species is often hindered by a poor understanding of factors limiting populations. In regions with declining wildlife populations, it is critical that objective metrics of conservation success are developed to ensure that conservation actions achieve desired results. Using spatially explicit estimates of bird abundance, we evaluated several management alternatives for conserving bird populations in the Prairie Hardwood Transition of the United States. We designed landscapes conserving species at 50% of their current predicted abundance as well as landscapes attempting to achieve species population targets (which often required the doubling of current abundance). Conserving species at reduced (half of current) abundance led to few conservation conflicts. However, because of extensive modification of the landscape to suit human use, strategies for achieving regional population targets for forest bird species would be difficult under even ideal circumstances, and even more so if maintenance of grassland bird populations is also desired. Our results indicated that large-scale restoration of agricultural lands to native grassland and forest habitats may be the most productive conservation action for increasing bird population sizes but the level of landscape transition required to approach target bird population sizes may be societally unacceptable.


Conservation conflicts; Conservation design; Conservation planning; Oak savanna; Strategic habitat conservation


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Page Last Modified: January 29, 2016