Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Assessment of high-resolution digital imagery for UMRS vegetation mapping and software-based vegetation classification
Robinson, Larry. 2012. Assessment of high-resolution digital imagery for UMRS vegetation mapping and software-based vegetation classification. U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin, October 2012. UMRR-EMP Long Term Resource Monitoring Program Completion Report 2007APE13 submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island, Illinois. 15 pp.
The Upper Mississippi River Restoration–Environmental Management Program Long Term Resource Monitoring Program's (LTRMP) Resource Mapping and Spatial Analysis Team (RMSAT) has used the same manual photo interpretation techniques for almost two decades. This process and its various components have been modified as the technology has improved and spatial layers created today are produced much more quickly and far more accurately than datasets created in the early days of the LTRMP. This report compares both processes documents the similarities and differences and strengths and weaknesses of each approach.