Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
An Evaluation of Invertebrate Sampling Methods for Use in the Open River Reach of the Upper Mississippi River
McCain, K.N.S., Hrabik, R.A., Barko, V.A., Gray, B.R., and Bidwell, J.R, 2009, An Evaluation of Invertebrate Sampling Methods for Use in the Open River Reach of the Upper Mississippi River: Science Notes, v. 4, n.20.
Invertebrate assemblages are difficult to sample in large, fast-flowing rivers, such as the unimpounded Open River (OR) reach of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR). In addition, little information is available on the status and ecology of many invertebrates even though they have key roles in food webs, nutrient cycling, and structuring other biotic communities. Furthermore, sampling methods previously utilized for monitoring invertebrates in the impounded reach of the Mississippi River may not be effective in sampling the unimpounded reach.
invertebrates, Open River, benthic sled, Pe-tite Ponar, drift net, rock basket