Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Modelling habitat associations with fingernail clam (Family: Sphaeriidae) counts at multiple spatial scales using hierarchical count models
Gray, B. R., Haro, R. J., Rogala, J. T., and Sauer, J. S., 2005, Modelling habitat associations with fingernail clam (Family: Sphaeriidae) counts at multiple spatial scales using hierarchical count models: Freshwater Biology, v. 50, no. 4, p. 715-729.
1. Macroinvertebrate count
data often exhibit nested or hierarchical structure. Examples include multiple
measurements along each of a set of streams, and multiple synoptic measurements
from each of a set of ponds. With data exhibiting hierarchical structure, outcomes
at both sampling (e.g. within stream) and aggregated (e.g. stream) scales are
often of interest. Unfortunately, methods for modelling hierarchical count data
have received little attention in the ecological literature.
2. We demonstrate
the use of hierarchical count models using fingernail clam (Family: Sphaeriidae)
count data and habitat predictors derived from sampling and aggregated spatial
scales. The sampling scale corresponded to that of a standard Ponar grab (0.052
m2) and the aggregated scale to impounded and backwater regions within
38197 km reaches of the Upper Mississippi River. Impounded and backwater
regions were resampled annually for 10 years. Consequently, measurements on clams
were nested within years. Counts were treated as negative binomial random variates,
and means from each resampling event as random departures from the impounded and
backwater region grand means.
3. Clam models were improved by the addition
of covariates that varied at both the sampling and regional scales. Substrate
composition varied at the sampling scale and was associated with model improvements,
and reductions (for a given mean) in variance at the sampling scale. Inorganic
suspended solids (ISS) levels, measured in the summer preceding sampling, also
yielded model improvements and were associated with reductions in variances at
the regional rather than sampling scales. ISS levels were negatively associated
with mean clam counts.
4. Hierarchical models allow hierarchically structured
data to be modelled without ignoring information specific to levels of the hierarchy.
In addition, information at each hierarchical level may be modelled as functions
of covariates that themselves vary by and within levels. As a result, hierarchical
models provide researchers and resource managers with a method for modelling hierarchical
data that explicitly recognises both the sampling design and the information contained
in the corresponding data.
hierarchical model, LTRMP, Musculium, negative binomial, nonlinear mixed model, Sphaeridae, suspended solids