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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

UMESC Publications

Efficacy of hydrogen peroxide to control parasitic infestations on hatchery-reared fish

Rach, J. J., Gaikowski, M. P., and Ramsay, R. T., 2000, Efficacy of hydrogen peroxide to control parasitic infestations on hatchery-reared fish: Jouranl of Aquatic Animal Health, v. 12, p. 267-273.


We compared the efficacy of hydrogen peroxide versus formalin treatments to control fungal infections on eggs of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, incubated at a hatchery in Wisconsin. Four strains of lake trout eggs were incubated in six vertical-flow Heath incubators; three replicate incubators for each chemical. Each incubator had 13 trays containing approximately 25,000-30,000 eggsltray. Formalin (1,667 mg/L) or hydrogen peroxide (1,000 mg/L) treatments were administered once daily for 15 min up to the development of visible eye spots in the eggs (eyed egg stage). Eyed and dead eggs were separated using a photoelectric egg sorter, and the number of live and dead eggs was determined volumetrically. In the hydrogen peroxide test group, the bottom trays of each incubator had fungus present on the eggs, whereas no fungus was observed on eggs treated with formalin. The mean percentage of eyed eggs for an incubator treated with formalin (75%) was significantly greater than an incubator treated with hydrogen peroxide (70%). Formalin was the most efficacious therapeutant; however, both therapeutants were effective in increasing lake trout egg survival up to the eyed egg stage.


hydrogen peroxide, formalin, fungal infections, lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, hatchery, egg survival

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