Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Sensitivity of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) life stages to candidate molluscicides
Fisher, S.W., Dabrowska H., Waller, D.L., Babcock-Jackson, L., and Zhang X., 1994, Sensitivity of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) life stages to candidate molluscicides: Journal of Shellfish Research, v. 13, n. 2., p. 373-377.
We developed methods for measuring the toxicity of candidate molluscides to several life stages (preveliger, D-stage veliger, post-D stage veliger, plantigrade and adult) of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Veligers were obtained by inducing ripe adults to spawn in the laboratory and by field collection. Plantigrades were collected on slides suspended in Lake Erie. The toxicity of candidate molluscicides on all stages was evaluated in 24 hour static tests in hard standard reference water. The sensitivity of zebra mussel life stages to different chemicals varied. Veligers stages showed simular sensitivity to Bayer 73 and TFM, wheras plantigrades and adults were less sensitive. Sensitivity to Calgon H-130, Clamtrol CT-1, and Sal I decreased with each successive developmental stage: adults wer most and preveliger were least sensitive totrotenon. In general, chemical concentrations that kill adults will also be effect againt other life stages. However, because chemical minimization strategies require the use oif the smallest amount of chemical possible, molluscicides should be tested on the life stage targeted for control.
Zebra mussels, veligers, plantigrade, toxicity, molluscicide