USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program

An element of the Upper Mississippi River Restoration - Environmental Management Program

Water Quality

Upper Mississippi River Restoration - Environmental Management Program U. S. Army Corps of Enineers

Water Quality Database Download Tool

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The Water Quality Database Download Tool provides the most complete access to raw data using the widest variety of query parameters.

Please read the UMESC LTRMP Database Browser Notes before using this browser.

For Water Quality metadata read the FGDC NBII, Water Quality Metadata page.

For water component information, read the Component Information Page that contains a description, history, and value ranges of the data.

Please be aware that the quality assurrance flags are downloaded with Water Quality parameters to allow users to remove questionable data. A description of the quality assurrance flags and their use can be found in the document: LTRMP WQ QA Flag Primer. .

Queries made using the Water Quality Database Browser are real time, it may take a few minutes to retrieve your results.

Note: Coordinates are now served in North American Datum 1983
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Query Water Quality Data

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Select a Field Station(s) to query Learn more about river mile ranges
Field Station (required)
Field Station 1 (Lake City, MN)
Field Station 2 (Onalaska, WI)
Field Station 3 (Bellevue, IA)
Field Station 4 (Brighton, IL)
Field Station 5 (Jackson, MO)
Field Station 6 (Havana, IL)
Field Station 7 (Fayette, IA)
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Water data has been collected every year from 1988 to present.
Enter a beginning and ending date to query.
Learn more about water quality date ranges

Date range (Format: mm/dd/yyyy; required)
Beginning:  Ending: 
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Another method of locating where the data were collected is by location code which is not as accurate as the UTM coordinates. The format of a location code is where r designates the river or tributary (Water quality river name abbreviations), mmm.m is the river mile (recorded to the nearest 0.1 mile), and a is an alphabetic code for the relative lateral position across the floodplain (going west to east). The default is "All Location Codes".
Learn more about water quality fixed-site locations
Location code (not required)
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Stratum type is a brief description of the type of river environment in which the data were found. Stratum type pertains to random sampling sites only.
Stratum class (not required)
Contiguous backwater to main channel (BWC)
Impounded (IMP)
Isolated (ISO)
Lake Pepin or Swan Lake (TDL)
Main channel (MC)
Side channel (SC)
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Habitat class is a brief description of the type of river environment in which the data were found. Habitat class pertains to fixed-site sampling only.
Habitat class (not required)
Backwater contiguous (BWC)
Backwater isolated (BWI)
Impounded - Lakelike (IMP-L)
Impounded (IMP)
Main channel (MC)
Side channel (SC)
Tributary (TRIB)
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A brief description of the type of sediment (river bottom) in which the data were found.
Sediment type (not required)
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Choose the data fields to download by clicking the first desired field then hold down the Control key and click additional fields.
Learn more about water quality database browser field name abbreviations
Learn more about water quality chemical QA/QC flags
Data field list (not required)
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Download type (1) is the default download method and is suitable for importing into MS-Excel, MS-Access, and SAS
Submit query
1. Download Data as Comma Delimited with Field Names In First Row
2. Download Data as Fixed Column Length Format, No Field Names
3. Download Data as XML

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: September 1, 2010