USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center


Sediment-Contaminant Database

Sampling Purpose: In 1993, a study was designed through the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, to assess temporal changes in un-ionized (NH3-N) concentrations in pore water to determine if NH3-N in sediments approach concentrations shown to have adverse effects on fingernail clams in experimental studies. Sediment core samples were obtained in Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River in areas currently and historically inhabited by fingernail clams. Specific objectives were (1) to examine the temporal and vertical distribution of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and NH3-N in pore water; (2) to compare the temporal patterns of TAN and NH3-N concentrations in overlying surface water with those in pore water; and (3) to examine the influence of sediment characteristics on TAN concentrations. In addition, sediment samples were analyzed for volatile matter, particle size, density, and water content.

Quality Assurance Index: 1

Number of Observations (samples) in Data Set: 459

Institution Providing Data: University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Data Set No. 9:



.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Data source variables
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Sample variables

Classes of Contaminants (in both data set 9 and other data sets)

Inorganic contaminants:
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Metals, metalloids, nutrients and others


Content manager: Michelle Bartsch

November 17, 2000

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Page Last Modified: January 29, 2016