USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center


Sediment-Contaminant Database

Sampling Purpose: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) collected sediment samples from the Upper Mississippi River in 1985 for a preliminary contaminant survey. The specific objectives were to examine selected areas on the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge and surrounding areas for contaminant presence in sediments and fish, and to establish baseline sediment quality criteria for refuge waters. A total of 76 sediment grab samples were analyzed for metals, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, organochlorines, petroleum-related compounds, and PCBs. Particle size of the sediment samples was not determined; however, samples were collected from areas assumed to contain high percentages of fines (e.g. off-channel, backwater). Coordinate information was provided by the FWS for some of the sampling locations, and was determined for others using site descriptions and ArcView software. Note: Only the selenium data that was analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy was included in the database.

Quality Assurance Index: 1

Number of Observations (samples) in Data Set: 76

Institution Providing Data: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Data Set No. 5:



.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Data source variables
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Sample variables

Classes of Contaminants (in both data set 5 and other data sets)

Inorganic contaminants:
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Metals, metalloids, nutrients and others
Organic contaminants:
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Organochlorine insecticides
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Petroleum-related compounds
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file


Content manager: Michelle Bartsch

November 17, 2000

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Page Last Modified: January 29, 2016