USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center


Sediment-Contaminant Database

Sampling Purpose: In 1992, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service collected sediment samples from the Upper Mississippi River to assess the bioavailability of a suite of sediment-associated metals to green sunfish following chronic exposure to intermittent pulses of suspended sediments. All collection sites, with the exception of one control area, were reported to have elevated concentrations of metals in previous studies. The sediment grab samples were analyzed for particle size, total solids, density, volatile matter, total organic carbon, and metals. Sample coordinate information was provided in the report.
Note: the moisture content was calculated using total solid values and is not included in the original report. Total solids are not included in the database and were therefore used only to calculate moisture content.

Quality Assurance Index: 1

Number of Observations (samples) in Data Set: 5

Institution Providing Data: U.S. Geological Survey

Data Set No. 4:



.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Data source variables
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Sample variables

Classes of Contaminants (in both data set 4 and other data sets)

Inorganic contaminants:
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Metals, metalloids, nutrients and others
Organic contaminants:
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file


Content manager: Michelle Bartsch

November 17, 2000

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Page Last Modified: January 29, 2016