Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
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Southall, P. D. and W. A. Hubert (1984). Habitat use by adult paddlefish in the Upper Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 13:123-131.
Information on paddlefish habitat associations in the Upper Mississippi River is useful because of continuing adverse effects on habitat by navigation, siltation, and industrial siting, as well as potential hydroelectric power development. Seventeen paddlefish were tracked in two pools (12 and 13) of the Upper Mississippi River during the summer of 1980 and spring and summer of 1981. Interpool movement occurred during spring high water periods when dam gates were lifted to create a free-flowing river. Habitat use varied by season. Selection was greatest for tailwater and channel habitats, although strong association with one backwater slough was evident. Even when backwaters are not directly utilized, invertebrate drift from these areas may be important. Paddlefish often congregated near man-made structures that created eddies and reduced current velocities.