Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
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Roe, K. J., A. M. Simons and P. Hartfield (1997). Identification of a fish host of the inflated heelsplitter Potamilus inflatus (Bivalvia: Unionidae) with a description of its glochidium. American Midland Naturalist. 138:48-54.
A survey of the fishes of the Black Warrior River was undertaken to determine fish host(s) of the federally threatened inflated heelsplitter, Potamilus inflatus. Seven hundred-twenty individual fishes representing 30 species were examined; mussel glochidia were found on 10 individual fishes representing nine species. Potamilus inflatus glochidia were only found infesting one freshwater drum Aplodinotus grunniens, which is concordant with previous findings for the genus Potamilus. The morphology of P. inflatus glochidia is described and compared to P. purpuratus.