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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Search fish passage bibliography

Rajaratnam, N. and C. Katopodis (1990). Hydraulics of culvert fishways 3: Weir baffle culvert fishways. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 17:558-568.

This paper presents the results of a laboratory study of culvert fishways with weir-type baffles. Baffles with heights equal to 0.15 and 0.1 times the diameter (D) of the culvert were studied with longitudinal spacings of 0.6D and 1.2D. Equations have been developed to describe the relation between the discharge, slope, diameter, and the depth of flow. It has been possible to predict the barrier velocity that would exist at the baffles. The performance of the weir baffles has been found to be as good as that of the slotted-weir baffles.

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