USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Search fish passage bibliography

Mulvey, M., H. P. Liu and K. L. Kandl (1998). Application of molecular genetic markers to conservation of freshwater bivalves. Journal of Shellfish Research. 17:1395-1405.

Freshwater bivalves (Unionacea) are among the most endangered faunal elements in North America. Molecular genetic studies have much to offer conservation efforts directed to this declining fauna. Molecular genetic data can provide information needed to identify evolutionarily significant units, resolve taxonomic ambiguities, describe population structure, evaluate impacts of habitat fragmentation and reduced gene flow among populations, reconstruct phylogenetic relationships, clarify fish host-glochidia relationships, and provide evidence in legal actions. Molecular genetic techniques and their application to freshwater bivalves are reviewed.

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Page Last Modified: November 3, 2015