Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
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Miller, A. C. and B. S. Payne (1991). Investigation of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) in the Tennessee River below Kentucky lock and dam. WES/TR/EL-91-8.
A survey to assess community characteristics, density, population demography of dominant species, and the likelihood of finding endangered species of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) was conducted in the lower Tennessee River. Data were collected to analyze environmental impact of construction and operation of a second lock at Kentucky Lock and Dam, RM 22.4. Twenty-three species and 4,768 freshwater mussels were obtained in 287 qualitative collections. The bivalve fauna was dominated by two thick-shelled species, Amblema plicata (39.43 percent) and Fusconaia ebena (39.41 percent). Six species comprised 1 to 10% of the collection, and 15 species made up less than 1% of the collection. No Federally listed endangered species were found. Species diversity was moderate, and evenness was low Unionid density at six sites in the area to be dredged ranged from 9.2 to 128.0 individuals per square meter. Corbicula fluminea density ranged from 6.0 to 26.4 individuals per square meter, which was considerably less than values reported in this river reach in 1969. The total commercial value of four species (A. plicata, Megalonaias nervosa, F. ebena, and Quadrula quadrula) within the area the will be dredged was estimated at $101,707. Total density of snails ranged from 8.0 to 86.8 individuals per square meter; the fauna was dominated by Pleurocera canaliculatum , with lesser numbers of Lithasia armigera and L. verrucosa . Impacts due to construction and operation of the second lock can be partially offset by creating submerged habitats with dredged materials along an eroding bank downriver of the lock and dam.