Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
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Lubinski, K. S. (1995). Bridging the gap between theory and practice on the Upper Mississippi River. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management. 11:137-138.
In July 1994, the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) served as a nexus for coalescing scientific information and management issues related to worldwide floodplain river ecosystems. The objective of the conference 'Sustaining the Ecological Integrity of Large Floodplain Rivers: Application of Ecological Knowledge to River Management', was to provide presentations of current ideas from the scientific community. To translate the many lessons learned on other river systems to operational decisions on the UMR, a companion workshop for managers and the general public was held immediately after the conference. Regardless of authority or responsibility, management agencies supported the conference and workshop for the purpose of providing state-of-the-science ecological guidance. Data and interpretations were presented through 150 platform and poster papers on the definition of river ecological integrity, the ways by which rivers have been impacted by human activity, the future of rivers, and river rehabilitation. This issue of Regulated Rivers: Research and Management is intended to group papers on the UMR or closely related topics.