Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
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Lubinski, K., R. Gaugush, S. Gutreuter, T. Owens and S. Rogers (1993). Current ecological conditions. Long term resource monitoring program. USGS Environmental Management Technical Center, Report EMTC93R021.
Describing the status of the Upper Mississippi River is a continuing function of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program. Some ecologically important characteristics that serve as indices of overall system status include depositional habitats, vegetation, invertebrates, fish biodiversity, and our capability to apply information to achieve ecological goals. The filling of depositional aquatic habitats has been measured sufficiently to identify this as the major long term resource problem in navigation pools. Many depositional habitats currently are at high risk of entering a successional phase that will be characterized by poor water quality and reduced aquatic vegetation. One of the first steps in the strategy will be the establishment of ecological objectives and action levels appropriate for a large flood plain river.