Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Search fish passage bibliography
Harden-Jones, F. R. (1968). Fish Migration. Edward Arnold Publishers, Ltd., London (England).
The author pursues a treatment of the biological aspects of migration in this early classical book on migration in fishes. Treatment is provided both environmental factors affecting migration as well as physiological adaptations that permit and aid fish migration. Means by which to study migration in fishes are presented and elucidated fully. The author then provides several "case history" examples of migration in fishes by discussing Salmonid, Anguillid, and Clupeid migrational strategies as anadromous examples. Two Gadiid examples, the cods and the plaice, are presented as examples of oceanic migration. Reactions to external stimuli, including temperature, current, chemical, and light, are presented based on findings from many scientific studies, both lab and field-based. [abstract generated by bibliography authors]