Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
FISHERIES LIABILITY DISCLAIMER AND FORMAT DESCRIPTION Disclaimer These data have been generated by State agencies under contract with the Department of the Interior and the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC). Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the UMESC, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Error correction is a continuing process, and UMESC corrects data data errors routinely when a correct value can be determined. UMESC does not delete questionable data when the correct value cannot be determined, but attempts to mark such data with an appropriate flag. Users are strongly cautioned to check the accuracy of any data obtained and to report suspected values to UMESC. Methods, purposes, and conditions can vary dramatically among data-collecting efforts and these data should not be combined with other datasets from the UMESC or other sources unless the user fully understands the procedures and purposes used to create each set of data and can verify that data are comparable across sources. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crediting Language These data are a product of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR) Long Term Resource Monitoring (LTRM) element implemented by the U.S. Geological Survey in collaboration with the five Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) states of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) provides guidance and has overall program responsibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FISH TREND ANALYSIS DATA Annual fish monitoring on the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) was implemented in 1990 under the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP). Some preliminary sampling was conducted during 1989 to test sampling methods in Pools 8, 13 and 26; however, these data are best viewed as developmental data that are less useful for routine trend analysis. From 1990 through 1992, all fish sampling was conducted at subjectively chosen permanently fixed sampling sites within each aquatic area. Each site consisted of a pair of sampling locations separated by about 50 meters (occasionally separated by as much as 200 meters). In the original LTRMP fish sampling design, these pairs of sampling locations within fixed sites were considered replicates for the site and for the aquatic area. A statistical review of the sampling program was planned and conducted during 1992, critically examining the original LTRMP fish monitoring design and considering design alternatives. The final report from this review (Gutreuter 1993) is available by request from the UMESC. A second statistical review of the sampling program was planned and conducted during 2001, critically examining whether sampling efficiencies could be gained. The final report from this review (Ickes and Burkhardt 2002) is available by request from the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center. As a result of the 1992 statistical review of the LTRMP fish monitoring program, major procedural changes were implemented in 1993. The LTRMP Fisheries Component adopted a stratified random sampling design, with aquatic areas serving as strata. Spatially randomized sites, with proper independent replication within strata, are currently sampled. Subjectively chosen permanently fixed sites have been retained in tailwaters (which are too small to permit meaningful replicated random sampling) and at a few sites of special interest (having historical occurrences of endangered species, associated with habitat restoration projects, etc.). The 2001 statistical review resulted in minor procedural changes that were implemented in 2002. Specifically, four gears were removed from the sampling design (night electrofishing, seining, tandem fyke nets, and tandem mini fyke nets). Thus, beginning in 2002, data associated with these four gear types are neither available from nor collected by the program. Please review Ickes and Burkhardt (2002) for details regarding this change in procedure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREWARD Use of LTRMP Trend Data for Fish Monitoring The sampling design for fishes is sufficiently complex that all potential users of these data are strongly encouraged to read and understand the Fish Monitoring section of the LTRMP Procedures Manual (Gutreuter et al. 1995), which describes both historical and current procedures, before undertaking any analysis or interpretation of data. This document is accessible by request from: LTRM Fisheries Coordinator Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center U.S. Geological Survey 2630 Fanta Reed Road La Crosse, WI 54603 USA Tel: (608) 783-7550, ext. 69 Fax: (608) 783-8058 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY LTRMP Fish Sampling Design The LTRMP conducts annual monitoring of fishes in six study reaches of the Upper Mississippi River System: Navigation Pools 4, 8, 13 and 26, and an unimpounded reach near Cape Girardeau, Missouri, on the Mississippi River; and La Grange Pool on the Illinois River. The LTRMP will continue to expand fish monitoring beyond these six study reaches, and welcomes participation by other agencies and groups that could sample other areas using the LTRMP sampling protocol. The LTRMP conducts highly standardized fish sampling in main channel border, tailwater, side channel, contiguous (to the main channel or side channels) backwater, and impounded aquatic areas in each study reach. Sampling is conducted using electrofishing, hoop netting, fyke (trap) netting, seining, and trawling. Fish sampling is conducted from June 15 through July 31, August 1 through September 14, and September 15 through October 31. Prior to 1993, each fixed site was sampled once (two "replicates" per site) during each time period. Beginning in 1993, independently distributed sampling sites have been sampled within a combination of stratum and time period. Gears and use of gear are highly standardized within the LTRMP. See the Fish Monitoring section of the LTRMP Procedures Manual (Gutreuter et al. 1995) for details. Data Composition Principal fish data collected are species composition, relative abundance (catch-per-unit-effort) and length distribution of catches. Subsamples from a few species (particularly freshwater drum) are collected for age determination, growth analysis, and examination of food use. The LTRMP also collects considerable site-specific data on environmental conditions and quality assurance measures. LTRMP data and their interpretation are described in Gutreuter et al. 1994. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCES Gutreuter, S. 1993. A statistical review of sampling of fishes in the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program. National Biological Survey, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin, December 1993. EMTC 93-T004. 15 pp. Gutreuter, S., R. Burkhardt, and K. Lubinski. 1995. Long Term Resource Monitoring Program Procedures: Fish Monitoring. National Biological Service, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin, July 1995. LTRMP 95-P002-1. 42 pp. + Appendixes A-J Ieckes, B. S., and R. W. Burkhardt. 2002. Evaluation and proposed refinement of the sampling design for the Long Term Resource Monitoring Programs fish component. U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin, October 2002. LTRMP 2002-T001. 17 pp. + Appendixes A-E. CD-ROM included. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------FISHERIES FIXED FORMAT FILE DOWNLOAD FILE The fixed format file has all the data aligned to a specific column within the dataset. Every field will start and end exactly in the same location. No field names are specified in this format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE "FORMAT" COLUMN CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING FORMAT SPECIFIERS: "a": alpha character (always UPPER case); "b": a blank space; "blank": a missing value; "c": alpha character/symbol/digit; "c(xx)": character string where xx represents the maximum number of characters allowed; "9": any digit, 0 - 9; "MM/DD/YYYY": date format; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Name Short Name Format Value Range/Default Value Historical Info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE ALIAS site a(12) 1995 TO PRESENT BARCODE barcode 99999999 1 - 99999999 1993 TO PRESENT FIELD STATION NUMBER fstation 9 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 1989 TO PRESENT SITE TYPE sitetype 9 0,1,2 1993 TO PRESENT STRATUM CLASS stratum aaa-a (See Appendix) 1989 TO PRESENT START DATE sdate MM/DD/YYYY 05/01/1992 - To Present 1989 TO PRESENT START TIME stime HH:MI 00:00 - 23:59 1989 TO PRESENT FINISH DATE fdate MM/DD/YYYY 05/01/1992 - To Present 1989 TO PRESENT FINISH TIME ftime HH:MI 00:00 - 23:59 1989 TO PRESENT POOL/REACH pool aa (See Appendix) 1992 TO PRESENT LOCATION CODE lcode aa999.9aaaa 1989 TO PRESENT GEAR CODE gear aa 1989 TO PRESENT TIME PERIOD period 9 1,2,3 1992 TO PRESENT REPLICATE rep 99 Gear Code = "T": 1 - 99; For Gea1989 TO 1992 SUMMARY CODE summary 9.9 1,2,3 1989 TO PRESENT PROJECT CODE project a-999 1992 TO PRESENT EFFORT (DISTANCE) effdist 999 1 - 999 1990 TO PRESENT EFFORT (HOURS) effhr HH 00 - 23 1989 TO PRESENT EFFORT (MINUTES) effmin MI 00 - 59 1989 TO PRESENT POWER GOAL pwrgoal 9999 1 - 9999 1989 TO PRESENT POWER USED pwrused 9999 1 - 9999 1989 TO PRESENT VOLTS volts 999 1 - 999 1989 TO PRESENT VOLTS QF v_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1992 TO PRESENT AMPS amps 999.99 .01 - 999.99 1989 TO PRESENT AMPS QF a_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1992 TO PRESENT PULSE RATE(HZ) pulses 999 1 - 999 1989 TO PRESENT PULSE RATE QF p_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1992 TO PRESENT DUTY CYCLE dutycyc 999 1 - 999 1989 TO PRESENT DUTY CYCLE QF dc_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1992 TO PRESENT UTM ZONE utmzone 99 15,16 1992 TO PRESENT UTM EASTING utm_e 9999999 0 - 9999999 1992 TO PRESENT UTM NORTHING utm_n 9999999 0 - 9999999 1992 TO PRESENT GIS GRID CODE gisgrid 99999.99999 (SEE FIELD DESCRIPTIONS) 1992 TO PRESENT ZONE 15 EASTING zone15e 9999999 0 - 9999999 1992 TO PRESENT ZONE 15 NORTHING zone15n 9999999 0 - 9999999 1992 TO PRESENT METHOD gpsmeth 9 1,2,3,4 1993 TO PRESENT ACCURACY gpsacc 99.9 0 - 99.9 1992 TO PRESENT SECCHI DISK secchi 999 -9, 0 - 999 1990 TO PRESENT SECCHI DISK QF s_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1992 TO PRESENT WATER TEMP temp 99.9 0 - 99.9 1989 TO PRESENT WATER TEMP QF t_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1992 TO PRESENT WATER DEPTH depth 99.9 0 - 99.9 1989 TO PRESENT WATER DEPTH QF d_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1992 TO PRESENT CONDUCTIVITY cond 9999 0 - 9999 1989 TO PRESENT CONDUCTIVITY QF c_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1992 TO PRESENT WATER VELOCITY current 9.99 0 - 9.99 1989 TO PRESENT WATER VELOCITY QF cv_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1992 TO PRESENT DISSOLVED OXYGEN do 99.9 0 - 99.9 1995 TO PRESENT DISSOLVED OXYGEN QF do_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1995 TO PRESENT STAGE HEIGHT stageht 999.9 0 - 999.9 1995 TO PRESENT STAGE HEIGHT QF sh_qf c blank,0,1,2,3,5,9 1995 TO PRESENT SUBMERSED AQUATIC VEGETATION (92 onsveg92 9 0,1,2,3 1992 TO 1992 DENSITY vegd 9 1,2 1992 TO PRESENT EMERGENT AQUATIC VEGETATION (92 onleveg92 9 0,1,2,3 1992 TO 1992 EMERGENT SUB AQUATIC VEG esveg92 9 0,1,2,3 1989 TO PRESENT PREDOMINANT SUBSTRATE substrt 9 0,1,2,3,4 1989 TO PRESENT WOODY DEBRIS/SNAG snag 9 0,1 1992 TO PRESENT WINGDAM/DYKE wingdyke 9 0,1 1992 TO PRESENT TRIBUTARY MOUTH trib 9 0,1 1992 TO PRESENT REVETMENT riprap 9 0,1 1992 TO PRESENT INLET/OUTLET CHANNEL inout 9 0,1 1992 TO PRESENT LOW-HEAD DAM CLOSING STRUCTURE WEIRclosing 9 0,1 1992 TO PRESENT FLOODED TERRESTRIAL flooded 9 0,1 1992 TO PRESENT OTHER othrstrc 9 0,1 1992 TO PRESENT COMMENTS comment c(80) 1989 TO PRESENT FISH LAB ID. INDICATOR labind c Y,N 1989 TO PRESENT NO. OF CONTAINERS contanrs 99 0 - 99 1995 TO PRESENT NO. OF FISH MEASUREMENT DATA SHEETSshtcnt 99 0 - 99 1992 TO 2002 TOTAL NUMBER FISH COLLECTED totfishc 99999 0 - 99999 1992 TO 2004 CREW LEADER CODE leader cccc 1989 TO PRESENT PAGE NUMBER pageno 99 1 - 99 1989 TO PRESENT RECORDING SITE rec_site 9 1,2 1992 TO PRESENT ROW SEQUENCE NUMBER rownum 999 1 - 999 1989 TO PRESENT SPECIES CODE fishcode accc 1989 TO PRESENT LENGTH GRP. MIN. length 999999 1 - 999999 1989 TO PRESENT T F S tfs a T,F,S 1990 TO PRESENT GRP WIDTH grp_wdth 9 1,2 1989 TO PRESENT FISH COUNT catch 999999 1 - 999999 1989 TO PRESENT IND/AGG. WEIGHT weight 999999.99 1 - 999999.99 1989 TO PRESENT PATHOLOGY CODE pathcode c 1989 TO PRESENT SUBPROJECT CODE subproj cc 1989 TO PRESENT USER DEFINED FIELDS userdef c(12) 1992 TO PRESENT RECORDER CODE recorder cccc 1989 TO 2003 NUMBER FISH ON SHEET nfsh_cnt 99999 1993 TO 2002 ORPHAN FLAG orphflag 9 0,1 1989 TO 1992 BATCH NUMBER batchno cccc 1989 TO PRESENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Positions Field Name Position ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE_ALIAS 1:12 BARCODE 13:20 FIELD_STATION_NUMBER 21:21 SITE_TYPE 22:22 HABITAT_CLASS 23:27 START_DATE_TIME 28:37 START_TIME 38:42 FINISH_DATE_TIME 43:52 FINISH_TIME 53:57 POOL_REACH 58:59 LOCATION_CODE 60:70 GEAR_CODE 71:72 SAMPLING_TIME_PERIOD 73:73 REPLICATE 74:75 SUMMARY_CODE 76:78 PROJECT_CODE 79:83 EFFORT_DISTANCE 84:86 EFFORT_HOURS 87:88 EFFORT_MINUTES 89:90 POWER_GOAL 91:94 POWER_USED 95:98 VOLTS 99:102 VOLTS_QF 103:103 AMPS 104:110 AMPS_QF 111:111 PULSE_RATE 112:117 PULSE_RATE_QF 118:118 DUTY_CYCLE 119:121 DUTY_CYCLE_QF 122:122 UTM_ZONE 123:124 COORDINATE_EAST_WEST 125:131 COORDINATE_NORTH_SOUTH 132:138 GIS_GRID_CODE 139:149 ZONE15_EAST_WEST 150:156 ZONE15_NORTH_SOUTH 157:163 METHOD 164:164 ACCURACY 165:169 SECCHI_DISK 170:172 SECCHI_DISK_QF 173:173 WATER_TEMP 174:177 WATER_TEMP_QF 178:178 WATER_DEPTH 179:183 WATER_DEPTH_QF 184:184 SPECIFIC_CONDUCTIVITY 185:188 SPECIFIC_CONDUCTIVITY_QF 189:189 WATER_VEL 190:193 WATER_VEL_QF 194:194 DISSOLVED_OXYGEN 195:198 DISSOLVED_OXYGEN_QF 199:199 STAGE_HEIGHT 200:204 STAGE_HEIGHT_QF 205:205 SUBMERSED_AQUATIC_VEG_92 206:206 DENSITY_EMERGENT_SUBMERSED_VEG 207:207 EMERGENT_AQUATIC_VEG_92 208:208 EMERGENT_SUBMERSED_AQUATIC_VEG 209:209 SUBSTRATE_CODE 210:210 SUBSTRING(STRUCTURES,1,1) 211:211 SUBSTRING(STRUCTURES,2,1) 212:212 SUBSTRING(STRUCTURES,3,1) 213:213 SUBSTRING(STRUCTURES,4,1) 214:214 SUBSTRING(STRUCTURES,5,1) 215:215 SUBSTRING(STRUCTURES,6,1) 216:216 SUBSTRING(STRUCTURES,7,1) 217:217 SUBSTRING(STRUCTURES,8,1) 218:218 SITE_COMMENT 219:298 LAB_ID_FISH 299:299 NO_CONTAINERS 300:301 FISH_MEASURE_SHEET_COUNT 302:303 TOTAL_FISH_COLLECTED 304:309 CREW_LEADER_CODE 310:313 PAGE_NUMBER 314:315 RECORDING_SITE 316:316 ROW_SEQUENCE_NUMBER 317:319 SPECIES_CODE 320:323 LENGTH_GROUP_MIN 324:329 TOTAL_FORK_STANDARD_LENGTH 330:330 GROUP_WIDTH 331:331 FISH_COUNT 332:337 INDIV_AGGREG_WEIGHT 338:348 SUBSTRING(USER_DEFINED_FIELDS,1,1) 349:349 SUBSTRING(USER_DEFINED_FIELDS,2,2) 350:351 SUBSTRING(USER_DEFINED_FIELDS,4,12)352:363 RECORDER_CODE 364:367 NUMBER_FISH_ON_SHEET 368:372 '0' 373:373 SBATCH 374:377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Descriptions SITE ALIAS Used to record an optional site alias for field station use. BARCODE Identifying barcode for fish data sheets FIELD STATION NUMBER Numeric code identifying the field station number. Listed below are the valid codes and their corresponding field station. 1 = Lake City, MN 4 = Brighton, IL 2 = Onalaska, WI 5 = Jackson, MO 3 = Bellevue, IA 6 = Havana, IL SITE TYPE Numeric code identifying the type of sampling site, as follows: 0 = Primary randomly selected sampling site 1 = Alternate randomly selected sampling site 2 = Subjectively chosen permanently fixed site STRATUM CLASS Alphabetic code identifying sampling stratum class, as follows: BWC-O = Backwater, offshore BWC-S = Backwater, shoreline MCB-U = Main channel border, unstructured MCB-W = Main channel border, wing dam IMP-O = Impounded, offshore IMP-S = Impounded, shoreline SCB = Side channel border TWZ = Tailwater zone (permanently fixed sampling sites) CTR = Main channel trough (optional sampling only) UXO = Unexploded Ordinance Area - Pool 13 START DATE Date on which a gear collection was initiated (e.g., the date on which a net was set). Ten-digit numeric mm/dd/yyyy format, example April 1, 1995, is represented as 04/01/1995. START TIME 2400-h (military) Central Standard Time (CST) at which a gear sample begins (e.g., the time a net was set or an electrofishing run was begun). FINISH DATE Date on which a gear collection was completed (e.g., the date on which a net was pulled up). Ten-digit numeric mm/dd/yyyy format, example April 1, 1995, is represented as 04/01/1995. FINISH TIME 2400-h (military) Central Standard Time (CST) at which a gear sample ends (e.g., the time a net was pulled or an electrofishing run was stopped). POOL/REACH Alphanumeric code for the LTRMP study reach or pool number: 04 = Pool 4, UMR 26 = Pool 26, UMR 08 = Pool 8, UMR LG = La Grange Pool, Illinois River 13 = Pool 13, UMR OR = Open Mississippi River LOCATION CODE Alphanumeric code for LTRMP Location Code having the format nnnnn.nnnnn. For randomly selected sites enter nnnn.RS, where nnnn is the site number from the sampling map or site list. For permanently fixed sites record rmmm.ma, where r designates the river (M = Mississippi and I = Illinois), mmm.m is the river mile (recorded to the nearest 0.1 mile), and a is an alphabetic code for the relative lateral position across the floodplain. GEAR CODE Alphabetic gear code (collection method) summarized below: D = Day (1 h after sunrise to 1 h before sunset) electrofishing F = Fyke netting GR = Gill netting, perpendicular (to shore) set GL = Gill netting, parallel (to shore) set HS = Hoop netting, small LTRMP net HL = Hoop netting, large LTRMP net M = Mini fyke netting N = Night (1 h after sunset to 1 h before sunrise) electrofishing S = Seining T = Trawling TP = Plankton trawling X = Tandem fyke netting Y = Tandem mini fyke netting TA = Trammel netting, anchored set TD = Trammel netting, floating and drifting TIME PERIOD Numeric LTRMP Sampling Time Period code. Example: The first sampling time period is coded as 1. REPLICATE Code for pseudo-replicated gear deployments at fixed collection sites. SUMMARY CODE Numeric code documenting the overall quality of a sample collection as described below: 1 = Gear failure; site may be re-sampled within time period 2 = Site cannot be sampled (i.e., site is dry or inaccessible) 2.9 = Electrofishing site sampled with single dip net due to reduced crew size 3 = Sample collected under unusual environmental conditions 4 = Weighing equipment may be in error due to wind and waves 5 = Normally completed sample; all LTRMP procedures followed 6 = Non-critical gear modification (e.g., fyke net lead shortened) 7 = Pseudo-shoreline used for shoreline gear 8 = Minor gear damage or noncritical gear failure PROJECT CODE Alphanumeric LTRMP project code. Format is A-nnn, where A is a letter describing project type and nnn is a special project number. Project types are as follows: M = RTA standardized resource monitoring B = HREP biological response monitoring E = Ad hoc exploratory sampling R = Special research project EFFORT (DISTANCE) Numeric field for recording the length (in meters) of an electrofishing run or trawl haul. Completion of this field is required only for electrofishing, trawling, and trammel net drifting EFFORT HOURS Used to document actual elapsed time in hours required to capture a sample of fish (actual duration of gear deployment). This field should be blank for seine samples. EFFORT MINUTES Used to document actual elapsed time in minutes required to capture a sample of fish (actual duration of gear deployment). This field should be blank for seine samples. POWER GOAL Field to record the predetermined electrofishing power goal (in watts). Note: For electrofishing only. POWER USED Field to record the actual average electrofishing power (in watts) consumption. VOLTS Field to record DC volts. VOLTS QF The Quality Factor (QF) is a one-digit numeric field as follows: Blank = Normal operation/acceptable measurement 0 = Voltage meter inoperative 1 = Unstable voltage readings (varies by >70 V); equipment questionable AMPS Numeric field to record DC current (in amperes). AMPS QF The Quality Factor (QF) is a one-digit numeric field as follows: Blank = Normal operation/acceptable current determination 0 = Ammeter inoperative 1 = Unstable current readings (varies by >10 amps) PULSE (Hz) Numeric field to record pulse frequency (Hertz [=cycles/sec]). PULSE QF Quality Factor for PULSE. DUTY CYCLE Numeric field to record electrofishing duty cycle (percentage of time current is flowing). DUTY CYCLE QF Quality Factor for DUTY CYCLE. UTM ZONE Numeric field to record Global Positioning System (GPS) zone. LTRMP data resides in either zone 15 or 16. UTM EASTING Easting coordinate Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) for a water quality sampling site (in meters). Proper interpretation of this coordinate requires reference to the appropriate UTM zone (15 or 16 for LTRMP). This is the initially assigned and registered UTM easting for an LTRMP sampling site. UTM NORTHING Northing coordinate Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) for a water quality sampling site (in meters). Proper interpretation of this coordinate requires reference to the appropriate UTM zone (15 or 16 for LTRMP). This is the initially assigned and registered UTM northing for an LTRMP sampling site. GIS GRID CODE Modified and concatenated utm coordinate pair used to generalize site locations within a 50 square meter area. ZONE 15 EASTING Zone 15 easting coordinate Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) for a water quality sampling site (in meters) referenced to a single UTM zone (15). This value is calculated from UTM Easting and is particularly useful for LTRMP areas that include both UTM zone 15 and UTM zone 16. ZONE 15 NORTHING Zone 15 northing coordinate Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) for a water quality sampling site (in meters) referenced to a single UTM zone (15). This value is calculated from UTM Northing and is particularly useful for LTRMP areas that include both UTM zone 15 and UTM zone 16. METHOD Numeric code specifying the method used to locate the collection site, as follows: 1 = UTMs recorded from cross-reference between base map and site features 2 = UTMs recorded from GPS device (Magellan) 3 = Latitude (N/S coordinates; degrees, minutes, seconds) and longitude (E/W coordinates; degrees, minutes, seconds) recorded from GPS (Loran) 4 = Latitude and longitude recorded from cross-reference between base map and site features ACCURACY Numeric field to record a measure of positioning accuracy. Record Percent Dilution of Precision (PDOP) from GPS devices and the following codes for base map cross-reference and revisits to marked fixed sites:000.1 = Almost certain accuracy within 100 m because of immediate proximity to uniquely identifiable features (undisturbed marker, wing dam, day mark, etc.). 000.2 = High confidence of accuracy within 100 m because of agreement between general site appearance and identifiable features on a base map. 000.3 = Other than above. SECCHI DISK Numeric field for recording measurement of water transparency (in centimeters) using a Secchi disk. SECCHI DISK QF Quality Factor (QF) codes are as follows: Blank = Normal measurement/no problems 0 = Equipment inoperative 1 = Equipment in question (i.e., paint discolored) 4 = Used proximate measurement - no measurement at this site 3 = Reading off scale (high) 5 = No sample taken 9 = Non-standard method used WATER TEMP Numeric field to record water temperature measurement to the nearest 0.1 Centigrade degree. WATER TEMP QF Quality Factor (QF) codes are as follows: Blank = Normal measurement/no problems 0 = Equipment inoperative 1 = Equipment in question 4 = Used proximate measurement - no measurement at this site 5 = No reading taken 9 = Non-standard method used WATER DEPTH Numeric field to record water depth to the nearest 0.1 meter. WATER DEPTH QF Quality Factor (QF) codes are as follows: Blank = Normal measurement/no problems 0 = Equipment inoperative 1 = Equipment in question 5 = No sample taken 9 = Non-standard method used CONDUCTIVITY Numeric field to record conductivity to the nearest 1 S/cm. CONDUCTIVITY QF Quality Factor (QF) codes are as follows: Blank = Normal measurement/no problems 0 = Equipment inoperative 1 = Equipment in question 3 = Reading off scale (high) 4 = Used proximate measurement - no measurement at this site 5 = No sample taken 9 = Non-standard method used WATER VELOCITY Numeric field to record water velocity to the nearest 0.1 meter/second. WATER VELOCITY QF Quality Factor (QF) codes are as follows: Blank = Normal measurement/no problems 0 = Equipment inoperative 1 = Equipment in question 3 = Reading off scale (high) 5 = No sample taken 9 = Non-standard method used DISSOLVED OXYGEN Numeric field to record dissolved oxygen concentration to the nearest 0.1 mg/l. DISSOLVED OXYGEN QF Quality Factor (QF) codes are as follows: Blank = Normal measurement/no problems 0 = Equipment inoperative 1 = Equipment in question 3 = Reading off scale (high) 4 = Used proximate measurement - no measurement at this site 5 = No sample taken 9 = Non-standard method used STAGE HEIGHT Water elevation measurement obtained from local stage height gauge. STAGE HEIGHT QF Quality Factor codes are as follows: 1 = Feet relative (local) measure 2 = Feet above mean sea level (AMSL) 3 = Meters relative (local) measure 4 = Meters above mean sea level (AMSL) SUBMERSED AQUATIC VEGETATION (1992 Only) Numeric field to record qualitative estimate of percent of area within a 100 meter radius in which there is submersed aquatic vegetation, based on visual observation. Values are as follows: 0 = 0% (no submersed aquatic vegetation apparent) 1 = 1%-19% coverage 2 = 20%-49% coverage 3 = 50% and over coverage DENSITY Numeric field to record qualitative estimate of density of both emergent and submersed aquatic vegetation within a 100-m radius, based on visual observation. Values are as follows: 1 = Prevailing vegetation is sparse (probably less than 10 stems per square meter) and does not create an "edge" at its perimeter. 2 = Prevailing vegetation is dense (probably greater than or equal to 10 stems per square meter) and creates a distinct "edge" at its perimeter. EMERGENT AQUATIC VEGETATION (1992 Only) Numeric field to record qualitative estimate of percent of area within a 100 meter radius in which there is emergent aquatic vegetation, based on visual observation. Values are as follows: 0 = 0% (no emergent aquatic vegetation apparent) 1 = 1%-19% coverage 2 = 20%-49% coverage 3 = 50% and over coverage EMERGENT SUB AQUATIC VEG Numeric field to record qualitative estimate of percent of area within a 100 meter radius in which there is emergent and/or submersed aquatic vegetation, based on visual observation. Values are as follows: 0 = 0% (no emergent/submersed aquatic vegetation apparent) 1 = 1%-19% coverage 2 = 20%-49% coverage 3 = 50% and over coverage PREDOMINANT SUBSTRATE Numeric field to record qualitative observation of sediments based on visual and tactile observation. Values are as follows: 1 = Silt (very fine and very soft sediments that may contain highly hydrated [very soft] clay; sand lacking) 2 = Silt/Clay/Little Sand (fine and soft sediments dominated by silt but usually containing little fine sand, with perhaps dehydrated [firm] clay pellets or moderately hydrated clay with little fine sand) 3 = Sand/Mostly Sand (firm to very firm, fine to coarse sediments with sand dominant, or entirely sand) 4 = Gravel/Rock/Hard Clay (hard substrate consisting of dehydrated [firm] clay, gravel, rock, bedrock, or concrete) WOODY DEBRIS/SNAG An indicator to record the presence of other habitat structure within a 100 meter radius. WINGDAM/DYKE An indicator to record the presence of other habitat structure within a 100 meter radius. TRIBUTARY MOUTH An indicator to record the presence of other habitat structure within a 100 meter radius. REVETMENT An indicator to record the presence of other habitat structure within a 100 meter radius. INLET/OUTLET CHANNEL An indicator to record the presence of other habitat structure within a 100 meter radius. LOW-HEAD DAM CLOSING STRUCTURE WEIR An indicator to record the presence of other habitat structure within a 100 meter radius. FLOODED TERRESTRIAL An indicator to record the presence of other habitat structure within a 100 meter radius. OTHER An indicator to record the presence of other habitat structure within a 100 meter radius. COMMENTS Eighty-character field to record miscellaneous comments and observations. FISH LAB ID. INDICATOR An indicator if some fish were taken back to lab for identification rather than in the field. # OF CONTAINERS Numeric field to record the number of individual containers (whirl-pacs, vials, etc.) containing specimens that were returned to the field station or lab for identification or measurement. # OF FISH MEASUREMENT DATA SHEETS Numeric field to record the total number of Fish Measurement Sheets (recorded in the field and lab) completed for the sample collection. TOTAL NUMBER FISH COLLECTED Numeric field to record the total number of fish (of all species, whether enumerated in the field or lab) captured in the sample collection. This number is obtained from a manual tally of fish counts on the corresponding Fish Measurement Sheets. CREW LEADER CODE Alphanumeric field to identify the LTRMP Crew Leader responsible for recording of this collection sheet data. These codes are permanently assigned to LTRMP staff at each station. PAGE NUMBER Numeric field to record the page number of the Fish Measurement Sheet. RECORDING SITE Numeric field to record the site at which fish on a particular Fish Measurement Sheet were identified, enumerated, and measured. Valid codes are as follows: 1 = Fish Measurement Sheets completed in the field. 2 = Fish Measurement Sheets completed in the lab or office. ROW SEQUENCE NUMBER Numeric field to identify, isolate, and sort individual fish detail records. SPECIES CODE Alphabetic field to identify the fish species for a particular record of data. Following are the valid codes and the common species name for which they represent: ABLP = American brook lamprey AMEL = American eel BCWC = Black crappie x white crappie hybrid BDDR = Banded darter BDSN = Bleeding shiner BECB = Bigeye chub BESN = Bigeye shiner BGLE = Bluegill x longear sunfish hybrid BGOS = Bluegill x orangespotted sunfish hybrid BGRS = Bluegill x redear sunfish hybrid BGWM = Bluegill x warmouth hybrid BHCP = Bighead carp BHMW = Bullhead minnow BKBF = Black buffalo BKBH = Black bullhead BKCP = Black crappie BKSB = Brook stickleback BKSS = Brook silverside BLCF = Blue catfish BLGL = Bluegill BMBF = Bigmouth buffalo BMSN = Bigmouth shiner BNBH = Brown bullhead BNDC = Blacknose dace BNDR = Bluntnose darter BNMW = Bluntnose minnow BNTT = Brown trout BPTM = Blackspotted topminnow BRBT = Burbot BSDR = Blackside darter BSMW = Brassy minnow BTSN = Blacktail shiner BTTM = Blackstripe topminnow BUSK = Blue sucker BWFN = Bowfin CARP = Common carp CCGF = Carp x goldfish hybrid CKCB = Creek chub CKCS = Creek chubsucker CLDR = Crystal darter CLSR = Central stoneroller CMMW = Central mudminnow CMSN = Common shiner CNCF = Channel catfish CNLP = Chestnut lamprey CNSN = Channel shiner DYDR = Dusky darter ERSN = Emerald shiner FHCF = Flathead catfish FHMW = Fathead minnow FKMT = Freckled madtom FLER = Flier FTDR = Fantail darter FWDM = Freshwater drum GDEY = Goldeye GDFH = Goldfish GDRH = Golden redhorse GDSN = Golden shiner GNSF = Green sunfish GSBG = Green sunfish x bluegill hybrid GSCP = Grass carp GSDR = Greenside darter GSOS = Green sunfish x orangespotted sunfish hybrid GSPK = Grass pickerel GSPS = Green sunfish x pumpkinseed hybrid GSRS = Green sunfish x redear hybrid GSWM = Green sunfish x warmouth hybrid GTSN = Ghost shiner GZSD = Gizzard shad HFCS = Highfin carpsucker HHCB = Hornyhead chub IDSS = Inland silverside IODR = Iowa darter JYDR = Johnny darter LBLP = Least brook lamprey LESF = Longear sunfish LGPH = Logperch LKSG = Lake sturgeon LMBS = Largemouth bass LNGR = Longnose gar LNST = Longnose gar x spotted gar hybrid LSSR = Largescale stoneroller MDDR = Mud darter MGNP = Tiger muskellunge MMSN = Mimic shiner MNEY = Mooneye MQTF = Western mosquitofish MSKG = Muskellunge NFSH = No fish caught NHSK = Northern hog sucker NTPK = Northern pike NTSF = Northern studfish OSLE = Orangespotted sunfish x longear hybrid OSSF = Orangespotted sunfish OTDR = Orangethroat darter OZMW = Ozark minnow PDFH = Paddlefish PDSN = Pallid shiner PGMW = Pugnose minnow PNMW = Plains minnow PNSD = Pumpkinseed PRPH = Pirate perch PSBG = Pumpkinseed x bluegill hybrid PSOS = Pumpkinseed x orangespotted sunfish hybrid PSWM = Pumpkinseed x warmouth hybrid QLBK = Quillback RBST = Rainbow smelt RDSN = Red shiner RESF = Redear sunfish RKBS = Rock bass RRDR = River darter RSSF = Redspotted sunfish RUDD = Rudd RVCB = River chub RVCS = River carpsucker RVRH = River redhorse RVSN = River shiner SBSN = Silverband shiner SBWB = Striped bass x white bass hybrid SCBS = Silver Carp Big Head Carp Hybrid SDBS = Striped bass SFCB = Sicklefin chub SFSN = Spotfin shiner SGCB = Sturgeon chub SGER = Sauger SGWE = Sauger x walleye hybrid SHDR = Slenderhead darter SHRH = Shorthead redhorse SHTM = Starhead topminnow SJHR = Skipjack herring SKCB = Speckled chub SLDR = Slough darter SMBF = Smallmouth buffalo SMBS = Smallmouth bass SMMW = Suckermouth minnow SNGR = Shortnose gar SNPD = Shovelnose sturgeon x pallid sturgeon hybrid SNSG = Shovelnose sturgeon SNSN = Sand shiner SPMT = Striped mullet SPSK = Spotted sucker SPSN = Striped shiner SRBD = Southern redbelly dace STBS = Spotted bass STCT = Stonecat STGR = Spotted gar STSN = Spottail shiner SVCB = Silver chub SVCP = Silver carp SVLP = Silver lamprey SVMW = Mississippi silvery minnow SVRH = Silver redhorse TFSD = Threadfin shad TPMT = Tadpole madtom TTPH = Trout perch U-CL = Unidentified Clupeidae (shads) U-CN = Unidentified Centrarchidae (sunfishes) U-CT = Unidentified Catostomidae (suckers) U-CY = Unidentified Cyprinidae (minnows) U-HI = Unidentified Hiodontidae (mooneyes) U-IL = Unidentified catfish (catfishes) U-LY = Unidentified Petromyzontidae (lampreys) UNID = Unidentified U-PC = Unidentified Percidae (perches) U-SG = Unidentified Acipenseridae (sturgeons) WDSN = Weed shiner WLYE = Walleye WPYB = White perch x yellow bass hybrid WRMH = Warmouth WSDR = Western sand darter WSMW = Western silvery minnow WSSN = Wedgespot shiner WTBS = White bass WTCP = White crappie WTPH = White perch WTSK = White sucker YLBH = Yellow bullhead YOYF = Age-0 fish YWBS = Yellow bass YWPH = Yellow perch LENGTH Numeric field to identify the lower bound of the length group to which a fish record belongs (measured in millimeters). A length group is defined as all fish of a particular species for a collection which fall within the GRP WIDTH (group width) range. See the GRP WIDTH description. T F S Alphabetic code to identify system used for length measurement: Following are valid codes: T or Blank = Maximum total length measurement; distance from anterior-most extreme of head (jaw closed) to most distant lobe of caudal fin (lobes compressed to achieve maximum length) F = Fork length; distance from anterior-most extreme of head (jaw closed) to fork of caudal fin (tip of median fin rays) S = Standard length; distance from anterior-most extreme of head (jaw closed) to caudal peduncle (posterior margin of hypural bone) GROUP WIDTH Numeric field to record the range in centimeters of a a length group from within which fish were enumerated or bulk- weighed. For example, if LENGTH is 40 and GRP WIDTH is 1, then the range of lengths for the fish representing this fish record would be from 40 through 49 millimeters. This field should be blank for fish that are unmeasured or individually measured to the nearest 1 millimeter. FISH COUNT Numeric field to record counts of fish represented by the row of data. Fish Count is 1 for all individually measured lengths and weights and รท1 for bulk counts. For example, if a particular fish was measured to the nearest 1 millimeter, then Fish Count is 1. If just one fish of a particular length group is encountered during length group enumeration, then Fish Count is also 1 for that length group. However, if 10 fish of a length group are encountered during group enumeration, then Fish Count is 10. IND/AGG. WEIGHT Numeric field to record individual or aggregate weights (in grams). Aggregate weights are distinguished by the presence of a Group Width value. Weights are measured only for special purposes. PATHOLOGY CODE Special information not routinely collected during standardized monitoring activities. Represents LTRMP fish health/pathogen codes as follows: 0 or blank = No visible abnormality 1 = Parasite 2 = Skeletal abnormality 3 = Tumors 4 = Injury 5 = Skin/fin/eye 6 = Other SUBPROJECT CODE Two byte length alphanumeric field containing special information not routinely collected during standardized monitoring activities. Represents data needed to interpret data in the USER DEFINED FIELDS as follows: Following is a description of what these two bytes represent. Byte 1: 1 = Aging structures (otoliths, scales, etc.) collected, specimen bar code 2 = Stomach contents collected 3 = Both aging structures and stomach contents collected 0 = Continued from previous line Note: When the above codes are used, the specimen bar code number should be recorded in the USER DEFINED FIELDS. Byte 2: 0 = Tag implanted, number follows in bytes 4-14, fish released 1 = Tag recovered, number follows in bytes 4-14, fish released 2 = Tag recovered, number follows in bytes 4-14, fish not released 3 = Tag scar visible, fish released 4 = Tag scar visible, fish not released 5 = Fin clipped, fin position follows in byte 14 6 = Fin clip recovered, position follows byte 14, released 7 = Fin clip recovered, position follows in byte 14, not released USER DEFINED FIELDS Twelve byte length alphanumeric field containing special information not routinely collected during standardized monitoring activities. Following is a description of what these twelve bytes represent. Bytes 1-10: Specimen number (aging structure and/or stomach contents). Byte 11: Fin clipping position. -- or -- Bytes 1-11: Tag number. Byte 12: Gill net mesh size code as follows: 1 = 4" 2 = 6" 3 = 8" 4 = 10" -- or -- Byte 12: Number of seines or trawls RECORDER CODE Alphanumeric field to identify the LTRMP recorder responsible for recording of this measurement sheet data. These codes are permanently assigned to LTRMP staff at each station. NUMBER OF FISH ON SHEET Numeric field to record the total number of fish (sum of Fish Counts) recorded on this Fish Measurement Sheet. ORPHAN FLAG Administrative field used to track orphan fish records. Orphan records should no longer occur due to barcode usage. BATCH NUMBER Administrative field used to track keyed data batches.