Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

UMESC - LTRMP Reports - Fish - Figures - length frequency

Fish Reports

Length Distributions for all Study Reaches

Length distributions as a percentage of catch for selected species of interest collected by the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program. Fish species are listed in phylogenetical order following Robins et al. (1991) nomenclature. In some instances, meaningful biological interpretation of these distributions may be limited by small sample size or size selectivity of the gear (Anderson and Neumann 1996). Some fish histograms with small sample sizes (<100) are included because of local interest, while others were omitted (reach dependent).

Gizzard shad Electrofishing
Common carp Electrofishing
Smallmouth buffalo Electrofishing
Smallmouth buffalo Hoop netting
Channel catfish Electrofishing
Channel catfish Hoop netting
Northern pike Electrofishing
White bass Electrofishing
Bluegill Electrofishing
Bluegill Fyke netting
Largemouth bass Electrofishing
White crappie Fyke netting
Black crappie Fyke netting
Sauger Electrofishing
Walleye Electrofishing
Freshwater drum Electrofishing
Freshwater drum Fyke netting

Content manager: Jennie Sauer

Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018