Pool 8, Upper Mississippi River 2003 Fish Collection Summary
This report is a summary of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program's (LTRMP) fish collection efforts conducted by the Onalaska Field Station on Pool 8, Upper Mississippi River during 2003. Information on changes in fish catch over all years can be obtained from the Graphical Fish Database Browser.
- 28 fish collections were conducted using day electrofishing (Table
- A 90% reduction in total effort (from 2002 levels) was implemented.
The reduction included eliminating all sampling in periods 1
and 2, and deployment of only day electrofishing in period 3 (Table
- Water levels rose above the long-term average during period
1, but were below the long-term average for periods 2 and
3. Water levels did not adversely affect sampling activities in
period 3 (Table 2.2; Figure
- All 28 fish collections were from randomly selected sites.
- Backwater and side channel border strata received the most sampling
effort (Table 2.2).
- 11,877 fish were collected representing 46 species and 1 hybrid (Table
3.2). Six unidentified sunfish were also included in the total catch.
- Historical fish distribution records for the Upper Mississippi River
(Pitlo et al. 1995) document 99 fish species from Pool 8.
- The LTRMP species total for Pool 8 before the 2003 season was 90;
no new species were added to this total since 1997.
- 4 river redhorse, listed as threatened in Wisconsin, were collected
(Table 3.2).
- Mean catch-per-unit-effort and standard error for fish collected
by day electrofishing using stratified random sampling (Table
4.2) for each stratum are shown.
- Length distributions for selected species of fish are shown in Figures 1
to 17.
Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018