Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
2001 Report
Table 1. Long Term Resource Monitoring Program list of fishes,
arranged phylogenetically by family, then alphabetically by genus and
species. Hybrids are listed after respective genera. Nomenclature follows
Robins et al. (1991).
Common name |
Family name |
name |
Petromyzontidae |
Chestnut lamprey |
Ichthyomyzon castaneus |
Silver lamprey |
I. unicuspis |
American brook lamprey |
Lampetra appendix |
Acipenseridae |
Lake sturgeon |
Acipenser fulvescens |
Pallid sturgeon |
Scaphirhynchus albus |
Shovelnose sturgeon |
S. platorynchus |
Pallid sturgeon × Shovelnose sturgeon |
S. albus × S. platorynchus |
Polyodontidae |
Paddlefish |
Polyodon spathula |
Lepisosteidae |
Spotted gar |
Lepisosteus oculatus |
Longnose gar |
Shortnose gar |
L. platostomus |
Amiidae |
Bowfin |
Amia calva |
Hiodontidae |
Goldeye |
Hiodon alosoides |
Mooneye |
H. tergisus |
Anguillidae |
American eel |
Anguilla rostrata |
Clupeidae |
Skipjack herring |
Alosa chrysochloris |
Gizzard shad |
Dorosoma cepedianum |
Threadfin shad |
D. petenense |
Cyprinidae |
Central stoneroller |
Campostoma anomalum |
Goldfish |
Carassius auratus |
Grass carp |
Ctenopharyngodon idella |
Red shiner |
Cyprinella lutrensis |
Spotfin shiner |
C. spiloptera |
Blacktail shiner |
C. venusta |
Common carp |
Cyprinus carpio |
Goldfish × common carp |
Carassius auratus × Cyprinus carpio |
Western silvery minnow |
Hybognathus argyritis |
Brassy minnow |
H. hankinsoni |
Mississippi silvery minnow |
H. nuchalis |
Plains minnow |
H. placitus |
Silver carp |
Hypopthalmichthys molitrix |
Bighead carp |
H. nobilis |
Striped shiner |
Luxilus chrysocephalus |
Bleeding shiner |
Luxilus zonatus |
Speckled chub |
Macrhybopsis aestivalis |
Sturgeon chub |
M. gelida |
Sicklefin chub |
M. meeki |
Silver chub |
M. storeriana |
Hornyhead chub |
Nocomis biguttatus |
Golden shiner |
Notemigonus crysoleucas |
Bigeye chub |
Notropis amblops |
Pallid shiner |
N. amnis |
Emerald shiner |
N. atherinoides |
River shiner |
N. blennius |
Bigeye shiner |
N. boops |
Ghost shiner |
N. buchanani |
Spottail shiner |
N. hudsonius |
Ozark minnow |
N. nubilus |
Silverband shiner |
N. shumardi |
Sand shiner |
N. stramineus |
Weed shiner |
N. texanus |
Mimic shiner |
N. volucellus |
Channel shiner |
N. wickliffi |
Pugnose minnow |
Opsopoeodus emiliae |
Suckermouth minnow |
Phenacobius mirabilis |
Southern redbelly dace |
P. erythrogaster |
Bluntnose minnow |
Pimephales notatus |
Fathead minnow |
P. promelas |
Bullhead minnow |
P. vigilax |
Blacknose dace |
Rhinichthys atratulus |
Creek chub |
Semotilus atromaculatus |
Catostomidae |
River carpsucker |
Carpiodes carpio |
Quillback |
C. cyprinus |
Highfin carpsucker |
C. velifer |
White sucker |
C. commersoni |
Blue sucker |
Cycleptus elongatus |
Creek chubsucker |
Erimyzon oblongus |
Northern hog sucker |
Hypentelium nigricans |
Smallmouth buffalo |
Ictiobus bubalus |
Bigmouth buffalo |
I. cyprinellus |
Black buffalo |
I. niger |
Spotted sucker |
Minytrema melanops |
Silver redhorse |
Moxostoma anisurum |
River redhorse |
M. carinatum |
Golden redhorse |
M. erythrurum |
Shorthead redhorse |
M. macrolepidotum |
Ictaluridae |
Black bullhead |
Ameiurus melas |
Yellow bullhead |
A. natalis |
Brown bullhead |
A. nebulosus |
Blue catfish |
Ictalurus furcatus |
Channel catfish |
I. punctatus |
Slender madtom |
Noturus exilis |
Stonecat |
N. flavus |
Tadpole madtom |
N. gyrinus |
Freckled madtom |
N. nocturnus |
Flathead catfish |
Pylodictis olivaris |
Esocidae |
Grass pickerel |
Esox americanus vermiculatus |
Northern pike |
E. lucius |
Muskellunge |
E. masquinongy |
Tiger muskellunge |
E. masquinongy × E. lucius |
Chain pickerel |
E. niger |
Umbridae |
Central mudminnow |
Umbra limi |
Osmeridae |
Rainbow smelt |
Osmerus mordax |
Salmonidae |
Brown trout |
Salmo trutta |
Percopsidae |
Trout-perch |
Percopsis omiscomaycus |
Aphredoderidae |
Pirate perch |
Aphredoderus sayanus |
Gadidae |
Burbot |
Lota lota |
Cyprinodontidae |
Northern studfish |
Fundulus catenatus |
Starhead topminnow |
F. dispar |
Blackstripe topminnow |
F. notatus |
Blackspotted topminnow |
F. olivaceus |
Poeciliidae |
Western mosquitofish |
Gambusia affinis |
Atherinidae |
Brook silverside |
Labidesthes sicculus |
Inland silverside |
Menidia beryllina |
Gasterosteidae |
Brook stickleback |
Culaea inconstans |
Percichthyidae |
White perch |
Morone americana |
White bass |
M. chrysops |
Yellow bass |
M. mississippiensis |
Striped bass |
M. saxatilis |
White bass × striped bass |
M. chrysops × M. saxatilis |
Centrarchidae |
Shadow bass |
Ambloplites ariommus |
Rock bass |
A. rupestris |
Flier |
Centrarchus macropterus |
Green sunfish |
Lepomis cyanellus |
Pumpkinseed |
L. gibbosus |
Warmouth |
L. gulosus |
Orangespotted sunfish |
L. humilis |
Bluegill |
L. macrochirus |
Longear sunfish |
L. megalotis |
Redear sunfish |
L. microlophus |
Green sunfish × pumpkinseed |
L. cyanellus × L. gibbosus |
Green sunfish × warmouth |
L. cyanellus × L. gulosus |
Green sunfish × orangespotted sunfish |
L. cyanellus × L. humilis |
Green sunfish × bluegill |
L. cyanellus × L. macrochirus |
Pumpkinseed × warmouth |
L. gibbosus × L. gulosus |
Pumpkinseed × orangespotted sunfish |
L. gibbosus × L. humilis |
Pumpkinseed × bluegill |
L. gibbosus × L. macrochirus |
Orangespotted sunfish × longear sunfish |
L. humilis × L. megalotis |
Bluegill × warmouth |
L. macrochirus × L. gulosus |
Bluegill × orangespotted sunfish |
L. macrochirus × L. humilis |
Bluegill × longear sunfish |
L. macrochirus × L. megalotis |
Bluegill × redear sunfish |
L. macrochirus × L. microlophus |
Smallmouth bass |
Micropterus dolomieu |
Smallmouth bass |
M. punctulatus |
Largemouth bass |
M. salmoides |
White crappie |
Pomoxis annularis |
Black crappie |
P. nigromaculatus |
White crappie × black crappie |
P. annularis × P. nigromaculatus |
Percidae |
Crystal darter |
Crystallaria asprella |
Western sand darter |
A. clara |
Mud darter |
Etheostoma asprigene |
Greenside darter |
E. blennioides |
Bluntnose darter |
E. chlorosomum |
Iowa darter |
E. exile |
Fantail darter |
E. flabellare |
Slough darter |
E. gracile |
Johnny darter |
E. nigrum |
Banded darter |
E. zonale |
Yellow perch |
Perca flavescens |
Logperch |
Percina caprodes |
Blackside darter |
P. maculata |
Slenderhead darter |
P. phoxocephala |
Dusky darter |
P. sciera |
River darter |
P. shumardi |
Sauger |
Stizostedion canadense |
Walleye |
S. vitreum |
Sauger × walleye |
S. canadense × S. vitreum |
Sciaenidae |
Freshwater drum |
Aplodinotus grunniens |
Content manager: Jennie Sauer
Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018