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Guidelines for Vegetation Stratified Random
Sampling Electronic Datasheet Entry

Last updated on May 31, 2006

1) Before the field season
a) Rename vsrs_data.mdb file (previous year's data will be overwritten by the current year's data).

b) Download data files for the correct year and field station (On-line help, LTRMP Data Entry Application).

c) In Windows Explorer, double click on vsrs_data_fs*.exe - it will automatically unzip and copy vsrs_data.mdb to the "c:\ltrmp_vsrs_v4" folder.

d) Check the beginning barcode to see if it is correct - if not call Dave Hansen immediately at (608) 781-6343.

e) Enter default information using the ENTER DATA DEFAULTS MENU (includes Crew Leader Code, Recorder Code, UTM Method, UTM Zone)
2) During the field season - each day
a) Turn on caplock
b) At each site
i) When all data has been entered at a site - press the QA BUTTON and check the error messages and correct any errors
ii) Before leaving the site, press the DONE BUTTON and exit to the MAIN MENU - the movement of the boat between sites occasionally can cause the touch screen to change data
c) Save vsrs_data.mdb to the flash card periodically throughout the day

d) At the end of the day

i) Connect to the network

ii) Save "c:\ltrmp_vsrs_v4\vsrs_data.mdb to the network

iii) Print the datasheets from that day - REPORTs MENU - PREVIEW DATASHEET
3) After the field season - transfer the dataset to Dave Hansen
a) Go to Data Menu--Open export menu.

b) Choose your field station's export button

c) Email the two files that are created to Dave Hansen at UMESC
( *= field station number)
i) vsrs_site*.txt

ii) vsrs_record*.txt

d) print out the Vegetation log sheet - REPORTS MENU - PREVIEW BARCODE LOG SHEET

e) make a copy of the log sheet and the printed datasheets

f) mail the copies to Dave Hansen at UMESC
4) Throughout the year - deep cycle the batteries every six weeks

5) File structure for the electronic datasheet - files are stored in the ltrmp_vsrs folder on the c:\drive

a) c:\ltrmp_vsrs_v4\vsrs_entr.mdb - the MS ACCESS data entry program

b) c:\ltrmp_vsrs_v4\vsrs_data.mdb - where the data is stored as you enter it

c) c:\ltrmp_vsrs_v4\vsrs_backup.mdb - where the data is stored when you BACK UP THE SRS DATA ENTRY TABLE in the DATA MENU--MAINTENANCE MENU

d) c:\ltrmp_vsrs_v4\lkda_vsrs.mdb - where the look up table information is stored

If problems with data entry application contact Dave Hansen, 608-781-6343
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Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007