Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

UMESC - Wildlife Toxicology - Study site locations: Wisconsin - Waterbirds along the Wisconsin River

Wildlife Toxicology

Study site locations: Wisconsin - Waterbirds along the Wisconsin River

Birds on the Wisconsin River were exposed to PCBs, dioxins, and furans. The piscivorous merganser or its prey may have a greater ability to metabolize PCB congeners with fewer chlorine atoms compared to the omnivorous wood duck or insectivorous tree swallow.


Custer, T. W., C. M. Custer, and R. K. Hines.  2002.  Dioxins and congener-specific polychlorinated biphenyls in three avian species from the Wisconsin River, Wisconsin.  Environmental Pollution 119:323-332.

Page Last Modified: April 3, 2018