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Contaminants in Tree Swallows in Relation to Water Level Management

As part of an effort to evaluate the feasibility of using water level management to improve Upper Mississippi River (UMR) fish and wildlife habitat, UMR Pool 8 was selected for a pilot pool drawdown of 1.5 ft (elevation) for the year 2000.

The primary objective of this investigation is to determine the degree to which the bioavailability of environmental contaminants in UMR Pool 8 is affected by water level management in the pool.

Nesting tree swallows will be used to determine exposure and effects of environmental contaminants that may be influenced by the water level management project. Water and sediment monitoring will be conducted in both main channel and off-channel areas as part of partnership efforts.

This investigation will also collect sediment chemistry data in foraging areas associated with nesting tree swallows. Information from tree swallows nesting on the UMR will be used to determine the degree to which the bioavailability of environmental contaminants in UMR Pool 8 is affected by water level management in the pool.

Pool 8 - Reach 1 - Upper MississippiTree swallows will also be used to identify contaminant pathways and to determine if these contaminants may affect reproductive success.

The project was terminated in September 2002.

Lock and Dam - Upper Mississippi River


Principal Investigators: Tom Custer and Christine Custer

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Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007