Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

ARMI - Products
folder.gif Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative, Midwest Region


Published Reports

Gallant, A.L., Sadinski, W., Roth, M.F., and Rewa, C. A. 2011. Changes in historical Iowa land cover as context for assessing the environmental benefits of current and future conservation efforts on agricultural lands. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 66(3):67A-77A.

Sadinski, W., Roth, M., Treleven, S., Theyerl, J., and P. Dummer. 2010. Detection of the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, on recently metamorphosed amphibians in the north-central United States. Herpetological Review 41(2):170-175.

Sadinski, W., and M. Roth. 2009. Surveys of amphibians, abnormalities, pathogens, triazines, breeding-site characteristics, and reptiles in five areas managed by the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Upper Midwest, 2002-2007. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/GLKN/NRTR—2009/179. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. http://science.nature.nps.gov/im/units/GLKN/inventoryreportpubs.cfm.

Muths E., R.E. Jung, L.L. Bailey, M.J. Adams, P.S. Corn, C.K. Dodd Jr, G.M. Fellers, W.J. Sadinski, C.R. Schwalbe, S.C. Walls, R.N. Fisher, A.L. Gallant, W.A. Battaglin, and D.E. Green. 2005. Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI): A successful start to a national program in the United States. Applied Herpetology 2:355-371.

Conference Papers

Kaya, S., B. Brisco, A. Cull, A. Gallant, W. Sadinski, and D. Thompson. Canadian SAR Remote Sensing for the Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network (TWGCRN). 2010. White paper: Proceedings of the Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2010 Symposium, International Commission on Remote Sensing. September 27–30. Jackson Hole, WY. 4 p.

Kaya, S., Gallant, A., Brisco, B., Sadinski, W., Thompson, D., and Pauli, B. 2010. SAR remote sensing for monitoring global change in terrestrial wetland ecosystems in the United States and Canada. Proceedings of the 15th Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Astronautics Conference. May 4–6, 2010. Toronto, ON. 6 p.

Conference Special Sessions

Lead organizer: Walt Sadinski. Co-organizers: Alisa Gallant, USGS; Bruce Pauli, Environment Canada; Dean Thompson, Canadian Forest Service; Jeff Houlahan, University of New Brunswick, Saint John; Brian Brisco, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing; Stuart Gage, Michigan State University; Perry M. Jones, USGS; Don Rosenberry, USGS. 2010. Actuating large-scale, integrated, global-change research beyond concept to implementation: Lessons from the Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network. 95th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 2, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA.

Workshops Produced

Lead organizer: Walt Sadinski. Co-organizers: Priya Nanjappa, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies; Charles Rewa, Natural Resources Conservation Service; Bruce Pauli, Environment Canada; Perry Jones, U.S. Geological Survey; William Battaglin, U.S. Geological Survey; Robin Moore, Conservation International. Understanding Agriculture’s Effects on Amphibians and Reptiles in a Changing World, February 6-8, 2007, St. Louis, MO.



Sadinski, W., A. Gallant, D. Thompson, J. Houlahan, M. Roth, B. Brisco, S. Kaya, S. Gage, W. Brininger, D. Mushet, D. Petersen, D. F. Tessler (presenter), M. Snively, P. M. Jones, D. P. Tate, J. M. Morton, R. Brodman, E. Muths, J. Brown, B. Pauli, and D. Rosenberry. 2011. Measuring effects of global change on interconnected wetlands and uplands along North American environmental gradients. Oral presentation. Classrooms for Climate: A Symposium on the Changing Chugach, Northern Ecosystems, and the Implications for Science & Society, May 5-7, 2011, Anchorage, AK.

Gallant, A. and W. Sadinski. Ground-truthing Radarsat-2 data in situ at U.S. research nodes in the Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network. Oral presentation. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Workshop: SAR for Water Resources, March 18, 2011, Ottawa, ON. Invited. (Gallant and Sadinski co-presented).

Sadinski, W. and A. Gallant. Measuring effects of global change on interconnected wetlands and uplands along North American environmental gradients: The Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network. Oral presentation. Environment Canada, National Wildlife Research Centre, March 17, 2011. Ottawa, ON. Invited. (Sadinski and Gallant co-presented).

Sadinski, W. The Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network. Oral presentation. Iowa State University, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management Seminar Series, February 11, 2011, Ames, IA. Invited.

Brown, J., A. Gallant, W. Sadinski, and B. Stricherz. 2010. Characterizing past variances, extremes, and trends in land surface phenology. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 13–17, 2010, San Francisco, CA.

Kaya, S., Brisco, B., Gallant, A., Sadinski, W., Thompson, D., and J. Houlahan. 2010.  Canadian SAR remote sensing for the Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network (TWGCRN). Oral presentation. Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2010 Symposium, September 27–30, 2010, Jackson Hole, WY.

Sadinski, W., Gallant, A., Pauli, B., Thompson, D., Houlahan, J., Roth, M., Mushet, D., Brisco, B., Kaya, S., Gage, S., Jones, P.M., Tate, D.P., Muths, E., Petersen, D., Morton, J.M., Tessler, D., Brodman, R., Nelson, E., and D. Rosenberry. Measuring phenological responses to climate and global change across methods, scales, and gradients: The Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network. Oral presentation. 95th Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting, August 3, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA. Invited.

Sadinski, W., Gallant, A., Pauli, B., Thompson, D., Houlahan, J., Roth, M., Mushet, D., Brisco, B., Kaya, S., Gage, S., Jones, P.M., Tate, D.P., Muths, E., Petersen, D., Morton, J.M., Tessler, D., Brodman, R., Nelson, E., and D. Rosenberry. Actuating large-scale, integrated, global-change research beyond concept to implementation: Lessons from the Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network. Oral presentation. 95th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Special Session: Actuating large-scale, integrated, global-change research beyond concept to implementation: Lessons from the Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network, August 2, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA.

Brown, J., Gallant, A., and W. Sadinski. Monitoring and assessing phenology in the context of global change across scales and sensors. Oral presentation. Phenology 2010: Climate change impacts and adaptation, interdisciplinary conference sponsored by multiple U.S. (including USGS and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Irish, and international organizations, June 14–17, 2010. Dublin, Ireland.

Kaya, S., Gallant, A., Brisco, B., Sadinski, W., Thompson, D., and B. Pauli. SAR remote sensing for monitoring global change in terrestrial wetland ecosystems in the United States and Canada. Oral presentation. 15th Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Astronautics Conference, May 4–6, 2010, Toronto, ON.

Gallant, A.L., Sadinski, W., Roth, M.F., and C.A. Rewa. A geospatial assessment of changes in historical habitat conditions as the first step in evaluating the benefits of agricultural conservation efforts across the Iowa landscape. Oral presentation. 65th International Annual Conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, July 18–21, 2010, St. Louis, MO. Invited.


Sadinski, W. The Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network. Oral presentation. Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2009 Annual Meeting, September 15, 2009, Austin, TX. Invited.

Sadinski, W. The Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network. Oral presentation. Midwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 2009 Annual Meeting, August 14, 2009, Howell, MI. Invited.


Sadinski, W., M. Roth, and A. Gallant. Our growing need to understand relationships between human activities, global change, and ecosystem services. Oral presentation. A Conference on Ecosystem Services, December 9, 2008, Naples, FL. Invited.

Sadinski, W., A. Gallant, M. Roth, and P. Jones. Striving for consilience in an interconnected world. Oral presentation. ARMI 2008 Annual Meeting, November 4, 2008, Lafayette, LA.

Sadinski, W., M. Roth, A. Gallant, and P. Jones. The Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative in the Midwest Region. Poster. Midwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 2008 Annual Meeting, September 4-6, 2008, Blue Grass, IA (Roth presented).

Sadinski, W., M. Roth, and A. Gallant. Historical and emergent stressors acting on agroecosytems: assessing risks, effects, and conservation programs. Oral presentation. USGS-sponsored workshop: Environmental Effects of Agricultural Practices, July 30, 2008, Tucson, AZ. Invited.

Sadinski, W., M. Roth, and A. Gallant. Historical and emergent stressors acting on amphibian populations on agricultural landscapes: assessing risks, effects, and conservation programs. Oral presentation. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles 2008 Annual Meeting: Symposium on Biodiversity and Agricultural Sustainability in North America, July 24, 2008, Montreal, QC. Invited.


Sadinski, W. M. Roth, and P. Jones. Update on ARMI in the Midwest Region. Oral presentation. ARMI 2007 Annual Meeting, November 14, 2007, Ft. Collins, CO.

Sadinski, W., M. Roth, L. Meier, J. Yahn, and S. Treleven. Understanding global change in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway within regional, national, and international contexts. Oral presentation. 2007 St. Croix River Research Rendezvous. October 16, 2007, Marine on St. Croix, MN.

Sadinski, W. M. Roth, and P. Jones. The Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative: Midwest Region. Oral presentation. Public seminar, May 11, 2007, Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge. Trempealeau, WI. Invited.

Sadinski, W., B. Pauli, M. Reeves, D. Thompson, D. Donald, and H. Andrachuk. Amphibians as indicators of climate change in terrestrial wetland ecosystems. Poster. Symposium: A Climate Change Forum for Alaska, February 21, 2007, Anchorage, AK.

Sadinski, W., M. Roth, and P. Jones. The Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative in the Midwest Region. Poster. Workshop: Understanding Agriculture’s Effects on Amphibians and Reptiles in a Changing World, February 6, 2007, St. Louis, MO.


Sadinski, W., M. Roth, and P. Jones. Update on ARMI in the Midwest Region. Oral presentation. ARMI 2006 Annual Meeting, November 7, 2006, Pt. Reyes National Seashore, Pt. Reyes, CA.

Sadinski, W., M. Roth, and P. Jones. ARMI. Oral presentation. Midwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 2006 Annual Meeting, September 8, 2006, Carbondale, IL (Roth presented).

Sadinski, W. The need for improved remote recorders and analytical software for studying amphibian declines and global change. Oral presentation. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology’s Bioacoustics Research Program, July 20, 2006, Ithaca, NY.

Sadinski, W., M. Roth, S. Bourassa, L. Monson, J. Yahn, and P. Jones. Linkages between land use, climate, and variation in amphibian exposures to herbicides. Oral presentation. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs-Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative Science Exchange, March 9, 2006, Washington, D.C.

Sadinski, W. Studying wood frogs in relation to global change. Oral presentation. Second Alaska Amphibian Conference, February 10, 2006, Juneau, AK.


Sadinski, W. M. Roth, E. Latremore, and P. Jones. Update on ARMI in the Upper Mississippi Region. Oral presentation. ARMI 2005 Annual Meeting, November 2, 2005, Tucson, AZ.

Sadinski, W., S. J. Bourassa, M. Roth, L. Monson, and P. Jones. Linkages between climate, land use, hydrology, and amphibians in the ecological network of the Mississippi River. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, August 9, 2005, Montreal, QC.

Sadinski, W. Climate, hydrology, and productivity: Linkages beyond the floodplain. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, March 3, 2005, Dubuque, IA. Invited.

Page Last Modified: April 3, 2018