Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Table 2

The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program

An element of the Upper Mississippi River Restoration - Environmental Management Program

Water Quality

Upper Mississippi River Restoration - Environmental Management Program U. S. Army Corps of Enineers

Table 2. Calendar used for stratified random sampling in the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program. The primary sampling period begins on a Monday and extends over the next 14 days exclusive of weekends. A third week may be used if necessitated by urgent circumstances, safety considerations, or equipment failure. The SRS sampling schedule takes second priority if it conflicts with fixed-site sampling.

Sampling period
Start date
Spring Monday of last full work week in April Period of maximum discharge in the Upper Mississippi River
Summer Monday of last full work week in July Late summer conditions, typically low-flow period of maximal water temperature, minimal oxygen

Fall Monday of second full work week in October Low-flow period after aquatic vegetation die-back and before ice formation. Period of maximum waterfowl migration. Moved forward a week in 1996 and 1997 to avoid conflict with waterfowl hunters.

Winter Monday of last full work week in January Period of maximal ice and snow cover, lowest water temperatures, and minimal oxygen concentration.

Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018