Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

La Grange Pool - SAS Output

Fish Reports

tree 2004 Report

Table 17.6

Mean catch-per-unit-effort and (standard error) for fish collected by mini fyke netting in La Grange Pool of the Illinois River using fixed-site sampling during 2004. See Methods for definitions of catch-per-unit-effort and standard error. Scientific names for the species listed can be found in Table 1.


Common name SCB TWZ
Shortnose gar
0.66 0.17
(0.33) (0.17)
Skipjack herring
0.82 0.34
(0.46) (0.21)
Gizzard shad
298.33 1919.62
(167.02) (1890.41)
Threadfin shad
0.51 1.37
(0.51) (1.37)
Central stoneroller
0.00 1.03
(0.00) (1.03)
Grass carp
0.16 0.00
(0.16) (0.00)
Common carp
0.49 0.52
(0.49) (0.35)
Bighead carp
0.97 1.55
(0.97) (1.55)
Silver chub
0.00 0.86
(0.00) (0.86)
Emerald shiner
563.96 260.07
(354.89) (239.66)
River shiner
0.00 0.52
(0.00) (0.52)
Spottail shiner
0.00 1.72
(0.00) (1.72)
Silverband shiner
0.50 0.17
(0.50) (0.17)
Bluntnose minnow
0.00 0.34
(0.00) (0.34)
Bullhead minnow
0.17 0.49
(0.17) (0.22)
River carpsucker
0.16 0.00
(0.16) (0.00)
Unidentified Catostomidae (suckers)
101.29 49.48
(100.33) (49.28)
Black bullhead
26.80 0.17
(23.30) (0.17)
Brown bullhead
0.00 0.17
(0.00) (0.17)
Channel catfish
1.64 0.00
(1.08) (0.00)
Flathead catfish
0.00 0.17
(0.00) (0.17)
Western mosquitofish
0.34 164.77
(0.34) (163.54)
White perch
0.00 0.33
(0.00) (0.21)
White bass
38.75 19.53
(25.36) (13.65)
Yellow bass
0.00 0.33
(0.00) (0.21)
Green sunfish
0.33 0.17
(0.21) (0.17)
Orangespotted sunfish
0.16 0.50
(0.16) (0.50)
0.82 1.34
(0.64) (0.35)
Green sunfish x bluegill hybrid
0.00 0.17
(0.00) (0.17)
Largemouth bass
0.50 1.02
(0.34) (0.70)
White crappie
0.50 1.02
(0.34) (0.38)
Black crappie
0.16 0.00
(0.16) (0.00)
Mud darter
0.00 0.17
(0.00) (0.17)
Johnny darter
0.17 0.00
(0.17) (0.00)
Freshwater drum
0.97 2.16
(0.79) (1.78)

Sampling strata:
SCB - Side channel border
TWZ - Tailwater

September 19, 2005

Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018