The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program
(LTRMP), a component of the Environmental Management Program for the Upper
Mississippi River System (UMRS), is administered by the U.S. Geological
Survey’s Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) in
La Crosse, Wisconsin. The LTRMP supports six
field stations operated by state agencies in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota,
Missouri, and Wisconsin (Figure 1) to collect
most of the monitoring data. Information on important ecosystem components,
including water quality, fish, vegetation, and macroinvertebrates are
obtained annually using standardized procedures. Other data such as land
cover/land use and bathymetry are gathered and analyzed periodically.
Monitoring activities focus primarily on six study areas: Navigation Pools
4, 8, 13, and 26 and the Open River Reach on the Mississippi River and
La Grange Pool on the Illinois River. Information from monitoring activities
and a variety of other sources are available at the Center’s Data
Library Web site http://umesc.usgs.gov/data_library.html.
This report summarizes monitoring activities of the Long Term Resource
Monitoring Program in 2004. Selected, notable findings pertaining to annual
results for hydrology, land cover/land use, water quality, fish, vegetation,
and macroinvertebrates are summarized and interpreted. This report satisfies,
for 2004, Goal 2, Monitor Resource Change, Objective 2.3, Synthesize
and Evaluate Monitoring Data, as specified in the Operating Plan for
the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1993). Preparation of this report was funded by the Long Term Resource
Monitoring Program.
This report is a result of the efforts of the staff and partners of the LTRMP. Special thanks to the LTRMP field station staff.
Suggested citation
Sauer, J., R. Gaugush, P. Heglund, J. Houser, B. Ickes, B. Johnson, L. Robinson, J. Rogala, and Y. Yin. 2006. Summary of monitoring findings for Fiscal Year 2004: Long Term Resource Monitoring Program of the Upper Mississippi River System. U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin. Web-based report LTRMP 2006-W001 available online at http://umesc.usgs.gov/reports_publications/ltrmp/2004/summary_findings/contents.html. (Accessed May 2006.)
Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018