Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Summary of Monitoring Findings for Fiscal Year 2001: Figure 14
folder.gifSummary of Monitoring Findings for Fiscal Year 2001

Figure 14. Annual means of the average daily discharge (cfs) from 1930 to 2001 show that the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) has monitored one long-term flow cycle (about 11 years). The pronounced long-term increase in discharge in the Upper Mississippi River System over the last 70 years suggests that a measure of long-term "baseline" conditions is difficult. The influence of the near-record flood in spring 2001 is evident and may signal the start of another next high-flow period.
Abundance (rake index) of submersed aquatic vegetation in Pool 13, 1998–2001, Upper Mississippi River System.

Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018