Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Adaptive environmental assessment applied to the Upper Mississippi River

Upper Mississippi River System Adaptive Environmental Assessment


The purpose of the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) Adaptive Environmental Assessment (AEA) project is to create a shared vision of the river's future through dialogue about alternative futures that strive for economic and ecological sustainability - "a working river and a river that works."


Progress to date

The AEA process on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) began in December 1995. Since then, two workshops have been held that brought together scientists, resource managers, policy makers, and river users and enthusiasts. Workshop participants' understandings of how biological, physical, and economic components of the river interrelate were combined with existing data to develop a computer simulation model of the river. As currently designed, there are actually two models - the pool model and the river system model.

The river system model simulates the movement of water and sediment between navigation pools, incorporating the operating constraints of the dams, variations in discharge, and sediment loads delivered from major tributaries. In response to these physical changes, the model describes dredging requirements, barge traffic, flooding, and recreation use. The pool model (currently done only for Pool 8) simulates water and sediment dynamics within a single pool and the resulting changes in vegetation and fish abundance.

Downloading the UMRS AEA models


8.7 Mb


3.6 Mb


0.9 Mb


0.2 Mb

After downloading, please read the manual because it has instructions for the extraction and use of the AEA models.


For additional information, please contact Dr. Robert F. Gaugush

Page Last Modified: April 3, 2018