Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center - Wildlife Data

turtle.gifWildlife Data


Last updated on December 18, 2008

File Format Information for Wildlife Data Anonymous FTP File Server

blue bullet Pool 13 Goose Nesting Data File Format Information


Wildlife Data

goose.gif blue bullet Pool 13 Goose Data



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To have your wildlife data served on the world wide web by UMESC, please e-mail Jennifer Sauer or call (608) 783-7550, ext. 64


 Related wildlife pages:

     blue bullet The National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) is a Science Center of the Biological Resources of the United States Geological Survey located in Madison, Wisconsin. The NWHC was established in 1975 as a biomedical laboratory dedicated to assessing the impact of disease on wildlife and to identifying the role of various pathogens in contributing to wildlife losses.
     blue bullet

Natural History Resources - Electronic Resources on Ornithology
A list of links pertaining to ornithology and the study of wild birds.


     blue bullet Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - Inventory and Monitoring
The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center has held a leading international position in wildlife research and management since its founding in 1936 as America's first wildlife experiment station and research refuge. Its scientists have been responsible for some of the most significant advances in wildlife conservation and management, especially in such areas as waterfowl harvest management, wildlife habitat improvement, effects of environmental contaminants, endangered species conservation, migratory bird management, and wildlife population analysis.
     blue bullet Wisconsin Herpetology Homepage
This is a major public resource for herpetology information and networking in Wisconsin, developed by Gary Casper at the Milwaukee Public Museum, with a grant from the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. It includes the Wisconsin Herp Atlas maps and species accounts, an online herp bibliography, an online herp research directory, the Great Lakes Declining Amphibians web pages, a summary of Wisconsin herp regulations, and an extensive timber rattlesnake resource.



These data have been generated by State agencies under contract with the Department of the Interior and the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC). Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the UMESC, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. However, error correction is a continuing process, and the UMESC routinely makes changes to data as errors are discovered. The file date is referred to as the release date and should be mentioned in all references to data. These data have been provided as a unit package to ensure that you receive a valid dataset collected in a consistent manner. Methods, purposes, and conditions can vary dramatically among data-collecting efforts and these data should not be combined with other datasets from the UMESC or other sources unless the user fully understands the procedures and purposes used to create each set of data and can verify that data are comparable across sources.

Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018