Upper Mississippi River Restoration ProgramLong Term Resource Monitoring |
Figure 2. Percent frequency of occurrence (±1 standard error) of submersed aquatic,
rooted, floating-leaf, and emergent vegetation by study reach,
by the areas of the aquatic strata. Sample sizes can be found in Table
*Analysis was not calculated in 2003 because no data were collected for
the isolated backwater and Lake Pepin strata.
*Analysis was not calculated in 2003 because no data were collected for
the isolated backwater and Lake Pepin strata.
*Data were provided by the Illinois Natural History
Survey based on a grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
*Data were provided by the Illinois Natural History Survey based on a
grant from the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center.
*Data were provided by the Illinois Natural History Survey based on a
grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
Content manager: Dr Yao Yin