Comparison of catch between 3 6 and 2 4 fyke nets on UMR backwater lakes Gritters, S. A. 1997. Comparison of catch between 3 6 and 2 4 fyke nets on Upper Mississippi River backwater lakes. Report prepared for the U.S. Geological Survey, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin, May 1997. LTRMP 97-S001. 7 pp. (NTIS AD-A326344) ABSTRACT The fisheries component of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program was initiated in 1989 to acquire a baseline database of fishes in the Upper Mississippi River System. Proper gear selection is essential for providing valuable fisheries data to area managers. Types of gear used for assessments by fisheries managers are subject to individual preferences. However, lack of standardization of gear types among managers may cause confusion when comparing data sets. Two configurations of fyke nets were compared when fished in the same habitats in 1989. A large fyke net (3 6) and a small fyke net (2 4) were used in the same backwater areas and the catches compared. Large nets caught nearly 4.2 times more fish than the small nets. A 92% species overlap was noted between the two net types when measured by the Sorenson coefficient. In each type of net, 24 species of fish were collected. Species composition and abundance were similar, but not identical, in the two net types. The fish communities collected had a similarity index of 0.83 on the Morisita's Index (Im), where 1 = identical and 0 = no similarity. A higher percentage of sunfish species and a lower percentage of miscellaneous species were caught in the larger net. Average lengths were not significantly different in the two nets, and length frequencies of black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) and white crappie (P. annularis) were nearly identical between the two nets. KEYWORDS Backwater lakes, black crappie, fyke nets, Upper Mississippi River System, white crappie