Long Term Resource Monitoring Program water quality site: BK14.2M Site description: Black River at Lytles Bridge, Onalaska, WI Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 07040007 Site UTM N: 4868518 Site UTM E: 633202 UTM zone: 15 Drainage area at water quality site: 2,255 mi2 Sampling frequency: biweekly Flow station: 05382000 (USGS daily flows) Station description: Black River near Galesville, WI Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 07040007 Station UTM N: 4881154 Station UTM E: 636557 UTM zone: 15 Drainage area at flow station: 2,080 mi2 Period of record: 12/28/1931-09/30/1997 Flow conversion: 1.084 x (flow at 05382000) = estimated flow at BK14.2M The following constituent values were removed from analysis as possible outliers, or are below detection limits: none Additional comments: The Black River near Galesville is one major channel, however, downstream at Lytles Bridge the channel divides into 3 or 4 channels depending on discharge. We are assuming that the water quality (i.e. nutrient concentrations) of the other channels (i.e. Tank Creek and Shingle Creek) are the same as the channel at Lytes Bridge. Loads for this site were estimated with LOADEST2 version 1.10