Long Term Resource Monitoring Program water quality sites: M752.8Y and M752.8Z Site description: Mississippi River near Lock and Dam #4 Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 07040003 Site UTM N: 4908119 (M752.8Y) 4908276 (M752.8Z) Site UTM E: 585823 (M752.8Y) 586174 (M752.8Z) UTM zone: 15 Drainage area at water quality site: 57,100 mi2 Sampling frequency: biweekly Flow station: Lock and Dam #4 (USACOE daily flows) Station description: Lock and Dam #4 near Alma, WI Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 07040003 Station UTM N: 4908355 Station UTM E: 585973 UTM zone: 15 Drainage area at flow station: 57,100 mi2 Period of record: Calculated flow available from 01/02/1968-07/14/1998 Flow conversion: none The following constituent values were removed from analysis as possible outliers, or are below detection limits: Date Constituent Concentration 06/18/97 Chloride 80.077 Additional comments: Constituent data is based on sites M752.8Y and M752.8Z from 06/11/1991 to 06/19/1998. Due to constituent segregation caused by Chippewa River inflow, neither station accurately represents Mississippi River loads at Lock and Dam #4. Using Chloride as a conservative measurememt, a linear regression model was used to determine the relative proportion of constituent values. From this regression the following formula was derived for total concentrations of constituents at Lock and Dam #4. Concentration at Lock and Dam #4 = 0.65(value at M752.8Y) + 0.35(value at M752.8Z) Loads for this site were estimated with LOADEST2 version 1.10