Vermillion River northeast of Farmington, MN (Agency code: VR-32.5) Descriptive Statistics of Concentration Data (Milligrams/Liter) TN_N NOx_N NHx_N TP_P TSS Cl Total obs. = 115 126 126 125 125 0 Start date = 10/27/81 10/27/81 10/27/81 10/27/81 10/27/81 . End date = 09/15/94 09/18/96 09/18/96 08/22/96 08/22/96 . Mx smp int days= 154 406 406 406 406 . Mean samp int= 41.3 43.5 43.5 43.7 43.7 . Stdv samp int= 24.0 40.4 40.4 40.5 40.4 . Mean conc. = 6.31 5.36 0.150 0.859 15.1 . Stdev conc.= 3.19 3.04 0.337 0.591 30.8 . Min conc. = 1.68 0.57 0.020 0.076 0.6 . 25% conc. = 4.12 3.40 0.040 0.450 6.0 . Med. conc. = 5.48 4.60 0.065 0.672 10.0 . 75% conc. = 7.73 6.80 0.120 1.000 16.0 . Max conc. = 18.69 18.00 3.000 3.060 340.0 . Flow summaries are in the LOADEST2 diagnostic information TN_N = Total Nitrogen (as N) (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen + Nitrate + Nitrite) NOx_N = Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) NHx_N = Total Ammonia (as N) TP_P = Total Phosphorus (as P) TSS = Total Suspended Solids Cl = Total Chloride (as Cl)