Long Term Resource Monitoring Program water quality site: VM00.1M Site description: Vermillion River near confluence with Mississippi River Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 07040001 Site UTM N: 4938817 Site UTM E: 532303 UTM zone: 15 Drainage area at water quality site: 261 mi2 Sampling frequency: biweekly Flow station: 05345000 (USGS daily flows) Station description: Vermillion River near Empire, MN Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 07040001 Station UTM N: 4945707 Station UTM E: 495662 UTM zone: 15 Drainage area at flow station: 110 mi2 Period of record: 10/01/1973-09/30/1997 Flow conversion: 2.373 x (flow at 05345000) = estimated flow at VM00.1M The following constituent values were removed from analysis as possible outliers, or are below detection limits: none Additional comments: A few side channels of the Mississippi River flow into the Vermillion River upstream from water quality site VM00.1M. According to staff at the Lake City Field Station, there is very limited flow from the Mississippi River into the Vermillion River during normal flows. During high flows, the side channels of the Mississippi River substantially increase the flow of the Vermillion River at water quality site VM00.1M. Additional flow contributed by Mississippi River side channels to the Vermillion River is not accounted for in the flow values used for calculating loads. Thus, loads are calculated as if the Mississippi River contributes no flow to the Vermillion River. Loads generated under this assumption may not represent the loads that are delivered by the Vermillion River during high flow periods. Loads for this site were estimated with LOADEST2 version 1.10