St. Croix River from railroad bridge at Hudson, WI (Agency code: SC-17) Descriptive Statistics of Concentration Data (Milligrams/Liter) TN_N NOx_N NHx_N TP_P TSS Cl Total obs. = 141 181 281 270 272 112 Start date = 02/28/79 08/27/76 06/28/67 06/28/67 06/28/67 06/28/67 End date = 09/15/94 09/18/96 09/18/96 09/15/94 09/15/94 09/22/77 Mx smp int days= 154 406 406 154 154 133 Mean samp int= 40.6 40.7 38.1 37.0 36.7 33.7 Stdv samp int= 22.2 34.2 29.1 19.2 19.1 15.5 Mean conc. = 0.97 0.24 0.156 0.107 6.9 4.3 Stdev conc.= 0.26 0.22 0.097 0.476 8.5 2.5 Min conc. = 0.59 0.01 0.020 0.010 0.5 1.0 25% conc. = 0.78 0.08 0.090 0.043 3.0 3.0 Med. conc. = 0.93 0.16 0.180 0.060 5.0 4.0 75% conc. = 1.08 0.38 0.200 0.088 8.0 5.0 Max conc. = 2.26 1.10 0.930 7.800 100.0 17.0 Flow summaries are in the LOADEST2 diagnostic information TN_N = Total Nitrogen (as N) (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen + Nitrate + Nitrite) NOx_N = Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) NHx_N = Total Ammonia (as N) TP_P = Total Phosphorus (as P) TSS = Total Suspended Solids Cl = Total Chloride (as Cl)