Mississippi River at Dock upstream of Wabasha Street Bridge, St. Paul, MN (Agency code: UM-840) Descriptive Statistics of Concentration Data (Milligrams/Liter) TN_N NOx_N NHx_N TP_P TSS Cl Total obs. = 264 281 300 292 291 88 Start date = 03/07/75 03/07/75 07/17/73 07/17/73 07/17/73 07/17/73 End date = 09/15/94 06/15/98 06/15/98 08/22/96 08/22/96 05/22/80 Mx smp int days= 154 406 406 440 440 98 Mean samp int= 27.1 30.4 30.4 29.0 29.1 28.7 Stdv samp int= 21.1 38.2 37.0 31.7 31.7 23.4 Mean conc. = 3.48 2.05 0.277 0.219 60.3 18.5 Stdev conc.= 2.35 2.14 0.216 0.148 234.7 9.6 Min conc. = 0.37 0.01 0.020 0.066 0.5 6.0 25% conc. = 1.67 0.35 0.160 0.142 12.0 14.0 Med. conc. = 2.79 1.26 0.200 0.184 28.0 17.0 75% conc. = 4.76 2.99 0.340 0.252 56.0 20.0 Max conc. = 11.27 9.60 1.300 1.900 3900 82.0 Flow summaries are in the LOADEST2 diagnostic information TN_N = Total Nitrogen (as N) (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen + Nitrate + Nitrite) NOx_N = Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) NHx_N = Total Ammonia (as N) TP_P = Total Phosphorus (as P) TSS = Total Suspended Solids Cl = Total Chloride (as Cl)