Long Term Resource Monitoring Program water quality site: M497.2B Site description: Mississippi River above Lock and Dam #14 Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 07080101 Site UTM N: 4608462 Site UTM E: 721528 UTM zone: 15 Drainage area at water quality site: 88,394 mi2 Sampling frequency: biweekly Flow station: Lock and Dam #14 (USACOE daily flows) Station description: Lock and Dam #14 at Le Claire, IA Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 07080101 Station UTM N: 4605277 Station UTM E: 716918 UTM zone: 15 Drainage area at flow station: 88,394 mi2 Period of record: 01/01/1986-08/20/1998 Flow conversion: Occasional missing flow values (fewer than 10 total) were substituted with values from the USGS gaging station at Clinton, IA (05420500). A linear regression equation was calculated to substitute flows for these two sites. The equation used follows: flow at Lock and Dam #14 = 1.0258 * Flow at Clinton Iowa (05420500) R2 = 0.9937 The following constituent values were removed from analysis as possible outliers, or are below detection limits: none Additional comments: none Loads for this site were estimated with LOADEST2 version 1.10