Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Fisheries Annual Status Reports
Annual summary reports have been published for the fish component of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program for the years 1991-1999. These annual summary reports provide information on sampling effort, total catches of fish species, the number of species collected, catch per unit effort, and the length distributions of selected species. These reports fulfill contractual obligations to provide written summaries of sampling activities and results and are meant to be a starting point for guiding more detailed analyses and research.
The annual summary reports have been added to the list of fish data retrieval options because the summaries are available in electronic format and contain basic information that users may obtain without the necessity of downloading and constructing an analytical database themselves. Although the data and analyses contained in these reports have been reviewed for accuracy, users who wish to perform further analyses are encouraged to download raw data from the Fisheries Data Page.
The following Annual Status Reports are in portable document format (pdf) and require the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
These reports are also available, for a fee, in hard-copy format, from:National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
1-800-553-6847 or 703-487-4650
Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018